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3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful.  Step 1 Focus " My whole life is about winning. I do...

3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful.  Step 1 Focus " My whole life is about winning. I do...

3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.   Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business. To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested ...

3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.   Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business. To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested ...

August the beginning of the Reaping Season

Good afternoon. August is the time you will start to see real progress for the things you have sown in 2016 since January.  You will begin to feel more confident about what you are doing once this happens.  Now you know that you can teach others what you have done which increases your reach.  The goal as a business leader is to create time freedom, not a job that you own.  The difference is in the beginning you do have to commit many hours of labor, and love into building your business and you are the business, but if you continue to be there and the business can't run without you then you just own a job.   That will never allow you the time freedom that is necessary to create a lifestyle for yourself and your family that gives your life meaning and purpose.  They do not teach this in the school systems.  This is what most people learn after a lifetime of slave labor for a job that has no real reward for them in their golden years.  This...

August the beginning of the Reaping Season

Good afternoon. August is the time you will start to see real progress for the things you have sown in 2016 since January.  You will begin to feel more confident about what you are doing once this happens.  Now you know that you can teach others what you have done which increases your reach.  The goal as a business leader is to create time freedom, not a job that you own.  The difference is in the beginning you do have to commit many hours of labor, and love into building your business and you are the business, but if you continue to be there and the business can't run without you then you just own a job.   That will never allow you the time freedom that is necessary to create a lifestyle for yourself and your family that gives your life meaning and purpose.  They do not teach this in the school systems.  This is what most people learn after a lifetime of slave labor for a job that has no real reward for them in their golden years.  This...

Time Changes Things

Things are always changing. As time moves things, places, circumstances, and events change.  The noise that is our life allows us to experience a multitude of opportunities. Growth is always a challenge, but once you take the step out on the limb, faith steps in and grants you the desired outcome. I am so proud of the people of color of America. It is so scary to challenge the establishment, and not for something that has happened to you, but for some other human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I am also proud of the many Americans, and our brothers and sisters of all races and other countries who also join our movement and feel our pain, and seek justice for all races.  You too have proven that if we come together for any purpose together our strength has the ability to move mountains, and create change that is for the common good of all people. I see change and I see communities being born. I see Dr. King's dream becoming a reality. I know it's just...