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Showing posts with the label twitter

What Are You Doing at this End of the First Quarter of 2020?

Good afternoon High Achievers.  This is the end of the first quarter of 2020, and as we do each year it is time to re-evaluate where our businesses stand.  What makes it so unique this quarter is that we have been thrown a curve ball.  That ball is called Covid-19, Stay at home orders, 6- feet social distancing, quarantine, curfew, etc.  Our focus must be what is going well.  When we look at our right now reality we must ask; what are the physical numbers of customer engagement?  Are we able to convert them to an online business entity?  Do we have the talent or resources to utilize the internet to convert our customers to this platform?  Is this you, creating your business online?  photo credit This is the 99.9% of the world right now.  Maybe you're not playing with your children on Play-station, but because most people are accustomed to their boss, supervisor, manager, general manager, CEO, etc. telling them what they...

What Are You Doing at this End of the First Quarter of 2020?

Good afternoon High Achievers.  This is the end of the first quarter of 2020, and as we do each year it is time to re-evaluate where our businesses stand.  What makes it so unique this quarter is that we have been thrown a curve ball.  That ball is called Covid-19, Stay at home orders, 6- feet social distancing, quarantine, curfew, etc.  Our focus must be what is going well.  When we look at our right now reality we must ask; what are the physical numbers of customer engagement?  Are we able to convert them to an online business entity?  Do we have the talent or resources to utilize the internet to convert our customers to this platform?  Is this you, creating your business online?  photo credit This is the 99.9% of the world right now.  Maybe you're not playing with your children on Play-station, but because most people are accustomed to their boss, supervisor, manager, general manager, CEO, etc. telling them what they...

Vacation for Clarity

Hello from paradise.  I am on the last night of my vacation and I want to tell you to vacation should be a law. I feel so wonderful and refreshed that words can not really describe. The picture to the left is how I feel. As we go into the last 30 days of summer into the fall season it is my suggestion that if you have not taken a vacation you do a quick weekend away from home, work, or your business. We went more than 800 miles from home, but it was so worth it. I am renewed, and have a new game plan and new ideas of things I want to accomplish through the end of 2018. The funny thing is there were thousands of things to do, yet I only choose to do a handful. The major thing I did was nothing, I got up late everyday except the first day. I cooked some days and we ate out some days. We stay in a resort so if you can do that or at least a hotel with a full kitchen which makes the choice easier and less expensive. There were so many activities, but I chose most of the time to just...

Vacation for Clarity

Hello from paradise.  I am on the last night of my vacation and I want to tell you to vacation should be a law. I feel so wonderful and refreshed that words can not really describe. The picture to the left is how I feel. As we go into the last 30 days of summer into the fall season it is my suggestion that if you have not taken a vacation you do a quick weekend away from home, work, or your business. We went more than 800 miles from home, but it was so worth it. I am renewed, and have a new game plan and new ideas of things I want to accomplish through the end of 2018. The funny thing is there were thousands of things to do, yet I only choose to do a handful. The major thing I did was nothing, I got up late everyday except the first day. I cooked some days and we ate out some days. We stay in a resort so if you can do that or at least a hotel with a full kitchen which makes the choice easier and less expensive. There were so many activities, but I chose most of the time to just...

Failure is Not a Four Letter Word, Embrace it, Here's Why

Good morning, we listen to daily podcast from many leaders in different aspects of life.  Yesterday we heard a message of encouragement from a Real Estate Investor, J. Massey of Cash Flow Diary new to us, but his message was right on point. He spoke about failure. What we have been taught is to never fail or that if we fail it is a bad thing. This is why many are never successful or happy in their lives,they see the multiple failures as a curse or a road block.  What is important is to first, try something, second try it again, third understand that there is no perfection , and those who fake perfection are lying to themselves.  Here is a list of some people who are very successful and how they failed: 1. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her television job because she was too emotionally involved with her audience. 2. Dick Cheney flunked out of Yale University, not once, but twice. 3. Fred Astaire in his first screen test at MGM was rated by a director, "can't si...

Failure is Not a Four Letter Word, Embrace it, Here's Why

Good morning, we listen to daily podcast from many leaders in different aspects of life.  Yesterday we heard a message of encouragement from a Real Estate Investor, J. Massey of Cash Flow Diary new to us, but his message was right on point. He spoke about failure. What we have been taught is to never fail or that if we fail it is a bad thing. This is why many are never successful or happy in their lives,they see the multiple failures as a curse or a road block.  What is important is to first, try something, second try it again, third understand that there is no perfection , and those who fake perfection are lying to themselves.  Here is a list of some people who are very successful and how they failed: 1. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her television job because she was too emotionally involved with her audience. 2. Dick Cheney flunked out of Yale University, not once, but twice. 3. Fred Astaire in his first screen test at MGM was rated by a director, "can't si...

What is it that you do? How does it meet the needs of your customers? Let us help you figure it out.

NY disability law blog What is it that you do? How does it meet the needs of your customers? Not sure, let's figure it out. What is it that you do, specifically? Ask a business owner this question or an entrepreneur beginning their business and the answer is usually not that easy to understand. They begin to recite a 10 minute soliloquy . This is not a Shakespeare play . You have to get to it, now. This happens to us also, but we have learned that you must get to it quickly when marketing to clients and potential clients. What is it? What do you do? What do you write about? What does your product do? What service do you provide, what does it do?  This is a what’s in it for me question you must answer. People are asking, inquiring, reading, or visiting your site for one reason. They want to know what you can do to solve their problem.   You must know at a moment’s notice or you have lost the potential sale. You must be specific. This builds the trust f...

What is it that you do? How does it meet the needs of your customers? Let us help you figure it out.

NY disability law blog What is it that you do? How does it meet the needs of your customers? Not sure, let's figure it out. What is it that you do, specifically? Ask a business owner this question or an entrepreneur beginning their business and the answer is usually not that easy to understand. They begin to recite a 10 minute soliloquy . This is not a Shakespeare play . You have to get to it, now. This happens to us also, but we have learned that you must get to it quickly when marketing to clients and potential clients. What is it? What do you do? What do you write about? What does your product do? What service do you provide, what does it do?  This is a what’s in it for me question you must answer. People are asking, inquiring, reading, or visiting your site for one reason. They want to know what you can do to solve their problem.   You must know at a moment’s notice or you have lost the potential sale. You must be specific. This builds the trust f...