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Showing posts with the label starting a business

Hello June: It's that Mid-Year Check up time again

Hello business leaders.  This is your middle of the year reminder to take an accounting of where you stand both financially and mentally in your endeavors.  Many are now in the happy glow of the beginning of the warm summer months. Don't get fooled as my mentor Jim Rohn would always say.  Get your thoughts together today.  The summer is the worst time of the year, because it can lull you into a place of comfort.  Jim Rohn talked about the ant's philosophy, think winter in the summer or think negative when it's positive.  Summer is the middle of the year, but it's also where most business owners lose.  If sales are up or things are going well during the easy months, which is summer, what are you going to do in the fall and the winter?  That's why you have to have a plan and you can't wait until the time is upon you.  This first week of June is over so what have you learned from last winter, spring, fall and summer?  Have you made an...

Hello June: It's that Mid-Year Check up time again

Hello business leaders.  This is your middle of the year reminder to take an accounting of where you stand both financially and mentally in your endeavors.  Many are now in the happy glow of the beginning of the warm summer months. Don't get fooled as my mentor Jim Rohn would always say.  Get your thoughts together today.  The summer is the worst time of the year, because it can lull you into a place of comfort.  Jim Rohn talked about the ant's philosophy, think winter in the summer or think negative when it's positive.  Summer is the middle of the year, but it's also where most business owners lose.  If sales are up or things are going well during the easy months, which is summer, what are you going to do in the fall and the winter?  That's why you have to have a plan and you can't wait until the time is upon you.  This first week of June is over so what have you learned from last winter, spring, fall and summer?  Have you made an...

Can You Press through?

Good morning.  We are getting into our year rather quickly.  As business owners and executive employees we have to constantly remind ourselves what it is we do.  I have new members of the High Achiever's Academy and it is awesome. This month we will get back to the beginning of planing our businesses.  That means creating a business plan. It will take a few post, but we will get it done. The DS Woodard Consulting Group will be coming out with a new format by the months end.  There will be a short post for those who happen upon the page and there will be a small membership fee for complete access.  I think $1.25 per week is doable.  I appreciate the support of the blog, but I am converting it to you will still be able to reach it the same way but it will integrate with my web page. How do you get to this image and open your business?  You have to start with a plan.  We have been here before, but with so many new High ...

Can You Press through?

Good morning.  We are getting into our year rather quickly.  As business owners and executive employees we have to constantly remind ourselves what it is we do.  I have new members of the High Achiever's Academy and it is awesome. This month we will get back to the beginning of planing our businesses.  That means creating a business plan. It will take a few post, but we will get it done. The DS Woodard Consulting Group will be coming out with a new format by the months end.  There will be a short post for those who happen upon the page and there will be a small membership fee for complete access.  I think $1.25 per week is doable.  I appreciate the support of the blog, but I am converting it to you will still be able to reach it the same way but it will integrate with my web page. How do you get to this image and open your business?  You have to start with a plan.  We have been here before, but with so many new High ...

What do You do with all the Free Technology for Your Business

Hello, today was a crazy day.  I woke up at 7:30am and within 15 minutes there was a loud bang like thunder and lightning or a bomb exploded.  I look out the window and I see our rental car several hundred feet from where it was parked the night before.  Thankfully no one was hurt, but the person who hit the car totaled the car, and hit the utility pole splitting it and severing the power for all of our neighbors.  As I write this post we have had our power restored now for about 3 hours, but the Verizon box was knocked loose from the same pole so they are still here at 5:30pm repairing that.  The street had to be blocked all day.  I can't show the pictures of the rental car or the truck that demolished it, but if you wake up and see the car several feet away from where it was parked, the other car even several hundred more feet ahead of your car, and within a few minutes there are about 10 or 15 of these trucks lined up, stuff leaking, several police ...

What do You do with all the Free Technology for Your Business

Hello, today was a crazy day.  I woke up at 7:30am and within 15 minutes there was a loud bang like thunder and lightning or a bomb exploded.  I look out the window and I see our rental car several hundred feet from where it was parked the night before.  Thankfully no one was hurt, but the person who hit the car totaled the car, and hit the utility pole splitting it and severing the power for all of our neighbors.  As I write this post we have had our power restored now for about 3 hours, but the Verizon box was knocked loose from the same pole so they are still here at 5:30pm repairing that.  The street had to be blocked all day.  I can't show the pictures of the rental car or the truck that demolished it, but if you wake up and see the car several feet away from where it was parked, the other car even several hundred more feet ahead of your car, and within a few minutes there are about 10 or 15 of these trucks lined up, stuff leaking, several police ...

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructo...

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructo...