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Showing posts with the label d.s. woodard

January and the Trump Era Begins, What's Next?

            President Trump and First Lady Great Day High Achievers.  The American New Year is upon us.  One year ago I began the YouTube channel,   @wellbeingover50withdw  .  I am enjoying it very much, however I have also begun teaching in the public school system as I grow my school and build my family's legacy.  So, what have you all been doing?   Well let's talk about the North American President, Donald Trump and his second time around.  I am not here to speak about or debate his personal life and his so-called shortcomings.  I want to address what I have noticed and how it assists us who are business owners or leaders in our communities.   Take a look at this picture, he, to me looks like he is all about business.  His first time in office, he had to prove he was equipped to be there.  There aren't that many qualifications to become the President of America.  ...

The Great Conjunction or the Great Reset, Pay Attention!

I placed this image here to make a point.  It looks better than 2020.  We are leaving 2020 a number four year and moving into a number five year.   Welcome to a great opportunity.  These coming weeks are building to a magnificent crescendo.  This post may seem Esoteric, because it is, and for good reason.  The planetary events that are coming up tomorrow December 21st, the Winter equinox, happens every year, but combined with the Great Conjunction or The Great Reset are a once every 800-year event between Jupiter and Saturn and Aquarius.     Why does this matter?   Energy controls everything, said better, energy (matter) is everything.  E=MC2 Energy is everything.    This means that we should be focused on the desires, objectives or goals that we want to manifest.   We should then be prepared to allow them to be magnified with the major planetary event that we will experience as the physical calendar y...

The Great Conjunction or the Great Reset, Pay Attention!

I placed this image here to make a point.  It looks better than 2020.  We are leaving 2020 a number four year and moving into a number five year.   Welcome to a great opportunity.  These coming weeks are building to a magnificent crescendo.  This post may seem Esoteric, because it is, and for good reason.  The planetary events that are coming up tomorrow December 21st, the Winter equinox, happens every year, but combined with the Great Conjunction or The Great Reset are a once every 800-year event between Jupiter and Saturn and Aquarius.     Why does this matter?   Energy controls everything, said better, energy (matter) is everything.  E=MC2 Energy is everything.    This means that we should be focused on the desires, objectives or goals that we want to manifest.   We should then be prepared to allow them to be magnified with the major planetary event that we will experience as the physical calendar y...

Procrastination the killer of Dreams

  Good morning, it's a great day and the month is moving along.  It's May and a month shy of the mid-year check.  This post is to remind those who say they want to create for their generational legacy.  What are you waiting for?  I speak with those who keep making excuses.  I speak with those who say I need this, or I need that.  I can tell you that yes they could use those things to get their dream off the ground and running, but I will also tell you that every excuse was created in a classroom of doubt and fear starting in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.  I fit the same category.  I often put things off and find reasons not to move forward.  I am always coming up with a new idea and if it doesn't take off quickly, I get bored or lose interest.  I have often jumped back and forth in and out of working for a company to generate fast cash, which seems to always end with me being a little farther behind th...

Procrastination the killer of Dreams

  Good morning, it's a great day and the month is moving along.  It's May and a month shy of the mid-year check.  This post is to remind those who say they want to create for their generational legacy.  What are you waiting for?  I speak with those who keep making excuses.  I speak with those who say I need this, or I need that.  I can tell you that yes they could use those things to get their dream off the ground and running, but I will also tell you that every excuse was created in a classroom of doubt and fear starting in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.  I fit the same category.  I often put things off and find reasons not to move forward.  I am always coming up with a new idea and if it doesn't take off quickly, I get bored or lose interest.  I have often jumped back and forth in and out of working for a company to generate fast cash, which seems to always end with me being a little farther behind th...

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's, a song for you.

For all the beautiful, kind, loving, forever sacrificing Mama's enjoy your day. Love, D.S. Woodard

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's, a song for you.

For all the beautiful, kind, loving, forever sacrificing Mama's enjoy your day. Love, D.S. Woodard