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Showing posts with the label #hosea4:6

January and the Trump Era Begins, What's Next?

            President Trump and First Lady Great Day High Achievers.  The American New Year is upon us.  One year ago I began the YouTube channel,   @wellbeingover50withdw  .  I am enjoying it very much, however I have also begun teaching in the public school system as I grow my school and build my family's legacy.  So, what have you all been doing?   Well let's talk about the North American President, Donald Trump and his second time around.  I am not here to speak about or debate his personal life and his so-called shortcomings.  I want to address what I have noticed and how it assists us who are business owners or leaders in our communities.   Take a look at this picture, he, to me looks like he is all about business.  His first time in office, he had to prove he was equipped to be there.  There aren't that many qualifications to become the President of America.  ...