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Running A Business is Hard Work!


Good Morning High Achievers!!  We are at the mid-point of this year 2023.  When I say running a business is hard, I mean that with everything I know.  This year we've had so many changes.  We've acquired a new business to increase our media presence and it comes with so many new components.  New lessons to learn, new systems to be created, etc.  The D.S. WOODARD brand is expanding, we are still a baby among industry giants.  I say all of this to say, don't give up on your dream or your business desires.  Everything worth having is worth the effort.  The year 2023 is about AI and learning to use technology like a boss!  I wish we had the technology 15 years ago at the level that we have now, it makes creating processes so much easier.  Your only challenge is to learn the different facets of the multitude of technical systems available find what is valuable to your business and utilize it to the fullest.  Marketing in 2023 is relatively simple.  All of the social media is cost effective, often free.  The cost to you is time that it takes to learn how to operate each platform to your advantage.  I was listening to a mentor on a podcast and he brought something to my attention, "Social Media" is that a media platform where people want to engage with you socially.  We have been separated socially over the last several years, so now is an optimum time to get active.  I had to learn this, not that I'm not social, I am an extrovert, but I am more of an introvert with those I don't know.  We call that being private.  Most of us are that way, so we fail to utilize the free platforms to create more business and social opportunities.  Today I'm at the airport waiting to board my flight to D.C.  and as I'm writing this I noticed I have not engaged with anyone sitting here.  We all do it, we go inward onto our cellular devices or our IPads,  Notebooks, etc.   After I make this post it will reach thousands of people in more than 15 countries instantly.  My point, yes I can have a conversation with the person sitting next to me for twenty or thirty minutes or I can have multiple conversations with thousands and then possibly millions of people regarding my business opportunity and how what I offer can be the solution to their problem.   

I know that was a long intro, here is a business professional , mentor that I admire and watch she is a part of the Entrepreneur Social Scene here in Atlanta.  She and her business partner David Shands are making big moves and taking us along for the journey.   I present Donni Wiggins 

My flight is boarding so I will close here for today.  Remember to be great, today!

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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