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Spring has Sprung, Where is your Business headed?


Great day High Achievers!! Today we are a month into Spring, how is your business looking?  Spring is the beginning of the blossoms starting to come forth from  winter plantings.  You can see the buds peeking out of the trees with beautiful colors.  The grass begins to turn from brown to a beautiful green.  Three months ago nature planted a bulb or some seeds and it waters, fertilizes, and feeds them with the sunlight then we get to see the results nature has produced.  It is something that brings joy and happiness and was worth the effort it put forth.  We often say it's a miracle, but truly it's a system that has been proven to work and repeated year after year consistently.  

The same applies for your business or personal development goals.  This is a marathon, not a race.  You may have struggled during the winter months when it was cold and there was less sunshine.  It's Spring so you must be seeing growth in your business.  If you aren't then you have to take a look at what activities you have created and repeated over and over again.  Do you have a system?  What does your business system consist of?

Here's Mark Cuban giving valuable advice.  If you haven't been doing this and this is the way you should be thinking as a business owner or a business leader in your companies organization.

Now go back to the video I posted on accounting, or find your own video on accounting remember accounting is the language of business. You can't grow a business if you can't speak or understand the language used.  Write down the steps he talked about and integrate them into your business strategy.  This month tell yourself everyday, I am building a system for my business that allows it to grow.  Change is necessary, especially in the new technological age we live in, so you must include AI and all forms of technology to be a part of your system.

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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