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3 Things Your Business Needs to Do in Q-2 .

Greetings High Achievers!! I am so excited to get to the final month of the first quarter of our businesses. Today we will learn about 3 things that we should be doing for our businesses that are easy. Listen to Jim Rohn,
Even if your goal is not to become rich, being more this year than you were last year is easy. Easy doesn't mean that it doesn't take work, diligence, fortitude, and hustle. 

As Jim Rohn said, easy is something you CAN do,but is also something you must work hard to attain. You can learn through specific study of what those who are more successful than you have shared. Some of the things they share are written in a book, some are in their classes that they give on-line. Pick a mentor, who can be someone you can verify what their level of success is even if it's their knowledge level is greater than your level or their research level is extremely helpful. Let's get to the 3 things you should be implementing, after thoughtful study,into your business as we finish Q1 and enter into Q2: 

 I. Hiring a social media manager, there is nothing like free advertising gone bad. What do I mean? Have you seen a Facebook or Instagram click and it was just so wrong you wished you could un-see it? I have, it is someones ill thought out attempt at grabbing attention to their business, but it caused the opposite effect. Don't let this be you. 

 II. If your business relies solely on face to face customer interactions, please find a way to make it more smartphone, computer low touch savvy. This should go without saying, but I'm telling you that you will be forced out of business if you don't pay attention. Remember Block Busters? Some of the younger generation has no idea what I'm talking about. It was a video company, before Netflix, and all the other streaming services we currently have. You had to go to the store and rent or purchase videos that had a machine called a Beta or VHS video player, then the DVD player, all are now obsolete. They were offered the chance to partner with Netflix, but it seemed ridiculous to them they were making hundreds of millions on the late fees of their customers. Fast forward a few short years and who would waste their time going to a store renting some movie when you can stream it on your cell phone or laptop often for free on YouTube, etc. 

 III. Adding some form of AI to your business system. This has been around for longer than most know, but The Jetsons' Age is now upon us. ChatGpt is only 3 months old, introduced in November of 2022. I am doing my due diligence and you should also. These things will be the way to do business. AI has slowly integrated into the marketplace, i.e.; the kiosk at McDonald's, Walmart, your local grocery store, restaurants, banks, etc. Start today if you haven't already implemented any into your business.  Don't let fear of the unknown keep your business from growing and sustaining for your next few generations.  Get ahead of the learning curve and start studying.  
 This is from 1962.

To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard


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