What are some subjects that you have always been curious about? What are some books you've always wanted to read? What are some skills you currently desire to gain? Today is the day to begin to ask yourself these types of questions.
DSWoodardConsulting has published our newest book "We Only Die Once. We Get to Live Every Day! " It teaches personal and professional development. It is a combination of 3 different workshops being developed for our online audience, they will be available in the late fall. The hardest thing in life is to create time for yourself to be who you said you wanted to be when you came to the planet. Life moves at a fast pace, and others are always looking for ways to infringe on your time. As I always say, time is our most valuable asset and our time is finite! Each and every moment that you have can't be spent pleasing others. Learning how to say no is hard, but you have to practice it, let the pain of the other person's feelings roll off your heart and continue on with what is important to you. This is easier said than done, trust me I know. I have 3 adult children, and they are so used to mom stopping her life for them and moving heaven and earth for them. The quick video below Dr. Wayne Dyer explains it really well.
The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all." Chinese Proverb
The amount of time that we have is unknown, the thing I think about often is, how do we know we are dead when we die? Ask yourself how do I know I've lived today? Let's see if we can take some steps towards achieving our goals this week. Look up some classes online. Create a plan to take a mentorship for a year in a course of something you've been thinking about venturing into, like maybe a real estate investing class. Promise yourself that you will push yourself beyond your normal limits. Let's check back in with each other in a few days or a couple of weeks.
To your success,
D.S. Woodard
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