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This Is Your Year!! 2022, Let's Do This!

  Greetings High Achievers.  We are in the second week of the second month of the year 2022.  It's about to go down!  Get in gear and strap up, the roller coaster is upon us.  This is the perfect time to show the world what you are made of.  I have taken the last couple of years serving humanity in a small fashion, this year I intend to turn it up one hundred times.  

No joke, I'm coming around the sun for the 56th time and there is no guarantee if I will make it, it's a 50/50 gamble.  That is the funny thing about time, we take it for granted and then something, usually and un-foreseen event triggers us into go mode.  My dear dad left the planet before his 53rd cycle around the sun, and it's been over 20 years since that occurred.  I feel moderately accomplished.  I've written thousands of words of encouragement for thousands of people, I've published 4 books that can live into eternity, yet I still feel that I have not reached the mark or set the bar high enough, let's say for my grandson or my granddaughter to surpass.  They could do what it's taken me 55 years to do in no time with the technology of today. 
 What would you say is your super power that will push you to the next level of success in such a way that the stars

 will look up to you in awe and wonder?   If you are in your 20's don't waste time wondering what you love doing.  I've known since I was very young that I loved words, books, reading, writing, expression, music, singing, teaching, and guiding others, etc.  I knew when I was a teenager and first heard what is now called old school rap, Salt n Peppa, The Sugar Hill Gang and others that I could do what they did, and I often wrote battle answer raps but never thought I could be a real part of that life. 

 When I was eighteen, I knew I wanted to write poetry and I knew I could write for T.V., but again I didn't listen to my voice inside of me telling me to push and try.  It wasn't until I was in my 30's that I began to try to figure out how do you write for television or how do you write a movie.  At that point I was a suburban wife and mom of 2.5 (the point 5 is a baby on the way or a young infant) that still had the calling, I truly waited until the calling and the urging was so strong that I at least set out on the journey of figuring it out, studying, practicing, and doing what no one I knew could tell me how to do.  Everyone I knew discouraged me and said I was a dreamer and I needed to get a grip. I was in my early 40's when I discovered a book that taught me how to create a blog.  I was in my 40's when I wrote my first book, and I gave myself permission to publish it.  For many years I thought a well-known publisher had to recognize me and co-sign for me. The more I studied and researched getting published I realized that a publisher would still require me to market my own book and create my own audience. Last year in my 55th cycle around the sun I started my own online homeschool, which has been in the making for 15 or more years, It's coming along, there are growing pains, but I am very proud of my strides.  

 I'm sharing this with you my loyal and new readers to give you permission to live the life that you think you should live, now.  There is no other time to live your best life.  This is the year you will be great.  There is no other year, unless you live to see the next one which is not guaranteed.  Do something great in each and every decade.  Work every day to be the best you for you.  I recently started doing video reels on Instagram, with the gentle pushes from my youngest daughter who is 29.  It's fun and it's a form of entertainment.  You can check me out here.  Life is a joyous journey. 

 Don't get bogged down with other people's opinion of you.  Do the best you can, and when you come up short or fail to meet others' expectations of you, dust yourself off, get back up and attempt another go at something. We only live once as who we are and there is no time clock that we have access to that will let us know when we expire.  As I always do, I'll leave you with this video from a favorite mentor, Abraham Hicks:

To your Success,
DS Woodard© 
All Rights Reserved.


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