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Mid-Summer Focus

Hello High Achievers,

We have one more day before we begin the ascension towards the fall season.  This is crucial.  Here in the south the weather will stay mild right through the middle of winter, but for many other territories it will become cold.  The cold is the time that things slow down. People don't go out as much. People are more likely to hold on to their coins tighter just in case they go through a rough patch.

 The summer is when we get tricked or lulled into believing things are great when as a business owner, especially in this time on this planet, we need to focus on preparation for what is to come.

Learn from the ant.  I began a garden this spring, and since the beginning of the summer since I transplanted the plants into my backyard, I have been terrorized by the ant colonies.  They are relentless.  They operate on the principle of winter's coming, winter's coming, so they work all spring and summer with that one purpose and that one discipline.  They can't survive above ground during the winter so they work during the time that others will play or rest and relax.  Finding food is their business and they are great at it.

The main thing that this year, 2020 should have taught us as a people is that we are our biggest asset.

 If the stores and the "government" can disappear in an instant, what is it that we are doing here? Are we waiting for them to make our lives substantial? What is our life story?  Why do we exist?  These are the things we should consider as we begin to go back to close contact relationships in many regions and as we stay separated in others.  There is nothing wrong, things are simply different now.

Self- analysis is the order of the day for the remainder of 2020 and into the next 5 years. 

We should act as if the world will not be a close relationship place anymore and begin to learn and explore new ways to get our message across to others while learning how to interact for the long term at a distance.  We can still be successful, helpful, and prosperous. 

Begin today by starting a new list for the next 6 months which will take you into 2021.

 Decide on a few things that you want to create.  Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."  Don't stress about things you have no control over.  However we want to begin with the end result in our mind, that's the reason for the list. 

This is plenty for you to do for now.  I'll speak with you all next week, it's my born-day month. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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