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Happy Mother's Day, High Achievers !

with Love from Nailah and D.S. Woodard Consulting
Hello High Achievers.  It's Thursday May 7th, 2020 the next 90 days are crucial to the success of your business.  If you've been with this blog for a while you know I love to use the analogy of the discipline of the ant and the seasons.  This week it's both.  I was walking Saturday morning before the 80+ temperature came down and as I ended my walk I sat on a bench to rest.

 I looked down and saw a colony of ants.
 They were going in two different directions,

 not crossing each other and not stopping each other as they were going to the nest and coming from the nest.  It was and always is amazing to watch.  They are disciplined.  If you step in their path without crushing them they will go around you and get back in line, like it never happened.  Let the government shut down the country, so what, they are out there right now scouring for food to store for the winter which is seven months away.

  Spring starts March 21st, and the planting season

for the best outcome is after Mother's Day which is usually the last frost.

 Sunday May 10,2020 the U. S., Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Brazil, Germany, Philippines, Ethiopia, Peru, and Japan, this year will all celebrate our mothers and surrogate mothers for being the backbones and the rock of every family.   All other countries have their own special days.  So realize that your mom or those who stand in for her are the life of the planet and that is why we call the greatest mom, "Mother Nature."  She gives life and makes everything grow.  This is her greatest season and it is the best time for your business growth.

This months lesson:

                      Leaving a Legacy Series- May- Time is Not on Your Side

 March begins the sowing season, then you have 2 months to prepare for planting in the ground.  The summer months are for nurturing your newly planted babies(just like mom does) .  Then the fall you reap what you have sown and begin planning how you will maintain your soil for the coming harsh winter months, and if you are smart you will begin sowing what will grow in the cold to have more to add to what you reaped in the fall.

This is a repetitive cycle, that will continue through your business life and get better and better if you learn from your mistakes, and learn from your successes, plan review and then do.  All of this looks like this:

                                                        Think on paper

Winter: Planning, Researching & Studying what went well last season what didn't go as well, what do you know, what don't you know & Solving problems,  ask yourself what could you do to solve your problems. What are the problems that you know how to solve and how can you make that a part of your business? 

Spring: Sowing & Planting, You should be confident and optimistic in your ideas and plans you've developed based on your research.  You are now sending out flyers, calling 100's of potential clients and prospects daily, setting up your website, social media presence, and actively planting the seeds in the areas and locations that you want to see growth.

Summer: Nurturing & Patience, You should have a few or at least 1 new client if you were actively doing the sowing and active planting of your message of how you and your business can solve others problems and as with plants if you continue to prune, nurture, water, and feed your message with loving patience you will start to see new client after new client based on referrals and the law of reaping and sowing. 

Fall: Reaping, now that you have done the first 3 steps you should have enough clients to eat well and live well right through the lean times of the winter.  The level of your success is solely based on you and how disciplined you are like the ants in the earlier segment.  The ants do not waiver from their mission or their tasks.  They work hard through what others call the fun seasons, when the sun shines bright and the days are long.  They start early and they work late, but when the winter hits you won't see them because they have done the hard work during the previous 3 seasons.  Even though the reaping begins in Fall it must be significant enough to carry you through winter where you begin researching and planning again to build on your continued success.

 This weekend plant a beautiful plant, tree, or something edible and watch the process, and learn from the process, it is a lot of work, but oh the rewards.

Learn from your first mother, Mother Nature.  Below are a few photos of some of the 14 plantings we will begin putting in the ground for our garden, so far we have 2 tomato, 6 eggplant, jasmine, basil, chamomile, 6 sweet potato, 6 green pepper, micro red lettuce greens, 2 beets, 6 cucumbers, blueberry tree, 4 cantaloupe, 4 watermelon, and 1 muscadine grape vine.

 We have already enjoyed eating salad made from our garden and fresh basil in a pasta I made 2 nights ago.

To your success,
D. S. Woodard


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