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What Did You Get Done Last Week?

Hello High Achievers.  It's Friday, and though days may not mean what they use to mean to most of us, Friday is the same as Monday when you work at home, It is also the last day of the work week for those who must still venture out and keep the world in business, so to you T.G.I.F..  
Below is the chart for those who viewed the video earlier this week.  
High Achievers April Goals Chart

I am loving this time where we can re-focus and grow.  You have to make the choice not only to have and start your new business, but you must make the commitment to study and grind to do whatever it takes to become successful.  You must make the commitment to do things that are uncomfortable.  You have permission. 

You oversee your family's destiny, and legacy.  Time is not on your side.  Last night I watched a documentary on the group, Lynyrd Skynyrd.   The video below is a sample of their work.  This documentary was great, it showed how a group of friends from a small town in Jacksonville, Florida, got together and learned to be disciplined and to be great while still being themselves and loving what they did.  It was a powerful message.  Those who have never heard of them or the song I chose to play below you do know one of their greatest songs, "Sweet Home Alabama." The documentary was called, "If I Leave Here Tomorrow."  If you watch it, you'll know why.  You must see this film.

It takes time to accomplish what you desire, I am probably one of the most impatient people, but once I get an idea, I move on it.  I wrestle with it and I never let it go or give up on the idea of its completion.  It took me 20 years to write my first book, but once I did within the next couple of years, I had written 4 books.

 I'm currently completing the 5th and 6th book.  Did I make a million dollars?  Not yet, but I will leave intellectual properties that can last beyond my physical life span. I'm over 50 and I'm a grandmother.   I've started creating Trusts with assets for the grandchildren that will build a generational legacy of wealth over time even when we are no longer alive.

I tell you guys this all the time, our time is finite, so stop being lazy, create, build, grow, learn, teach, share and give the best "you" that you can. 

Don't be fooled or tricked into believing that it's someone else's job or duty to take care of you or your family.  Get to it the clock is ticking and someone is waiting for your greatness, your specialty, your unique- to- your idea to make their life better. 

I was listening to this in the background as I was writing this post, this is out of control, you must watch and listen to this, after minute 6 they were in the zone, it's live!!!!  These guys were and are great!!

This is what it's all about. 
To your success,
D.S. Woodard



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