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What Are You Doing at this End of the First Quarter of 2020?

Good afternoon High Achievers.  This is the end of the first quarter of 2020, and as we do each year it is time to re-evaluate where our businesses stand.  What makes it so unique this quarter is that we have been thrown a curve ball.  That ball is called Covid-19, Stay at home orders, 6- feet social distancing, quarantine, curfew, etc. 

Our focus must be what is going well.  When we look at our right now reality we must ask; what are the physical numbers of customer engagement?  Are we able to convert them to an online business entity?  Do we have the talent or resources to utilize the internet to convert our customers to this platform? 

Is this you, creating your business online? 
photo credit

This is the 99.9% of the world right now.  Maybe you're not playing with your children on Play-station, but because most people are accustomed to their boss, supervisor, manager, general manager, CEO, etc. telling them what they are to do for their 8-hour work shift, they are waiting for the government to send them a stimulus relief check, they are filing for unemployment and being told they need to actively search for a job and at the same time are being told unless you are essentially employed you should stay in the house. It's confusing so be the 1% of those who rise above what is and become successful during this time of uncertainty. 

  I know people who are gifted and talented, yet they are waiting for the perfect time and the perfect day and the perfect anything and the perfect everything telling or showing them that they have permission to move forward and do what they have wanted to do.

Don't get me wrong, some of the beauty of working from home is that you have the flexibility to spend quality time with your loved ones.  You have the choice of when you will begin and end your work day. You also must be disciplined enough to work to the point of satisfaction and success.  You are the captain of the ship, so if your business is sinking or is a failure, you must get it back on track.  You oversee the level of knowledge that gets the ship to the port to collect the revenue. 

Jim Rohn one of my favorite mentors in the world of inspiration and personal development,  has this to say about our topic, a power packed 8 minutes 58 seconds, review it now, you have time!!

His delivery is the best.  I have learned so much from him and you can also.  

"It's not what happens, it's what you choose to do about what happens."  Any day you wish you can make a difference.  

Your tasks for the next 3 days are :
1. Give your business an online name, research choose wisely.
2. Create 3 to 5 social media platforms in the businesses name:

If you don't have extra financial revenue do not pay for any of these venues and don't purchase a dot(com) yet!!
a. Twitter     
b. Pinterest  
c. Instagram
d. Linked-In
e. Facebook
f. etc.         
                            3. Follow 300 people or businesses on two of your new social media platforms. 

This is plenty, I will see you in a few days, we will work on our business vision boards.

To your success,
D. S. Woodard


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