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Welcome Back to D.S. Woodard's Blog !!

Hello D.S. Woodard Business Scholars,

 I trust everyone is being safe and learning to live in the new decade, 2020 in such a way that you are using your technology to communicate and avoid over exposure to multitudes of people. 

Times have changed and we must change with them.  We can't act as if we aren't a society of high-tech individuals.  We have the capability to thrive currently more than ever before.  Get out of Industrial Age thinking and actions.  I know those who have followed this blog for the last 10 years are ready to move forward into the Aquarian Age and beyond.  The Piscean Age is leaving and all the antiquated ways of operating our businesses and our lives are going with that. 

I have been working on a few platforms that I have promised for many moons, such as the video blog, and the virtual classroom. I will maintain the free blog; however, the new platforms do require a fee.  I am operating from the home office so I will be posting and guiding you regularly to follow my lead so that you too can thrive in this new era in our life. Have no fear, be wise and study your craft, or learn a new craft. Be creative and share your gifts, and talents with the world.  You have something great to give to the planet and your fellow humans, so let's get to it.

One thing I did was get rid of the bound book form of 3 of the 4 books I wrote.  In 2020 most people don't have time or the attention span to hold a paper bound book and read it.  Many will download to their Kindle, it's free and read at their leisure from their Smart Phone, I-Pad or Tablet.  The 366- page journal 365 plus One Day of Inspirations to Make Millions: Journal your Way to Success has never been placed into a Kindle, that defeats the purpose of journaling. 

Where is your book, seminar, blog, etc.? Technology commands that you have a digital platform upon which to build your online business.  Take the next 2 days and think about what story you have to tell about what ever life experience you have to share with others.  On Thursday I will be posting, and we will start to plot out how we will create this new online business life and for- profit business.  You need to purchase if you don't have my Y.O.L.O book as I said it's only on digital format and it's less than $5.00's.  I will be using it to teach this lesson.  I also updated the cover and used an old picture of myself when I used to sing, there is a free chapter on the Kindle. 

Thanks, so much for your continued support, I look forward to supporting your businesses as well, but you must let me know what they are for me to do so and I do tweet, and Instagram other businesses.  So, don't forget sharing is caring. We are all home looking for positive things to do and if my daughter sends me one more Tik Tok, lol. Share this on you Facebook, twitter, and Instagram, Linked In, etc.

Until Thursday March 26, 2020, be safe, and be productive.
To your success,
D. S. Woodard


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