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End of the First Quarter Check

Good day all. Today is the beginning of the second quarter of 2019, its time to re-access where you find yourself and your business.
The visual for this post is a show that I love watching. Bring It on Lifetime. My niece got me watching it a few years ago and I love it. I want to post a quick clip so you can see what I mean.
 It's always so much fun, high energy and extremely tough competition. Coach D and her Dancing Dolls team are the best team in the country. She is very competitive and every team aspires to beat her teams. I want to use her today because she has a typical story. She started with a bit of a rocky road in life, she went to college, she got a job that allowed her to do what she loves, teaching dance, and then she got married, became a mom and life got rocky, but with the encouragement of her husband Follow this link to read her story. She is now living her dream, and growing because she does what she loves as a business and really as her life.

When we choose to do things that we have to do we lose our moments and gain no real rewards. Time is our only asset. We give it away everyday quite freely with no regards to when we will have no more time.

 There was a young man who like most young men had a dream to be a leader in his community, to have his own business, to give back to the community he grew up in and to make it better for those who still live there. This young man was killed Sunday as the first business quarter of 2019 ended.

 He was leaving one of the dreams he established in his old neighborhood, he was what most would consider too young to die, but that is the next part of each and everyone of our journey's and there is no set time. we don't know when, we don't know how and we don't know where. We do know it is inevitable.

Step 1.Make a Choice
Step 2. Have a Plan
Step 3. Dream Big
Step 4. Attitude creates emotion, get control of how you feel
Step 5. You Only Live Once so take action, now

Number 5 means everything so get it together and stop wasting time. Figure it out, try something, push through the adversity or the trying times. I'm doing this right now. I had a series of events that hit me simultaneously and I thought I had to go back to a J.(just)O. (over)B. (broke), but as I sat through the second level of the interview process, I felt something that I had not felt in a long time.

 I felt like I was asking for permission to live my life.

 I haven't had to answer certain questions in so long that the General Manager who was questioning me looked at me strangely, as did I to he.

I am a boss, so it's weird reaching for answers to questions that I don't feel I have to answer anymore. It was so funny, because as I reevaluated the interaction the next day, I had to ask myself why was that so weird and awkward?

After consideration I had to make myself see the invisible signs I had neglected to pay attention to when they took me on the tour of the building.

1. I was there for well over an hour and I didn't notice any customers there to purchase.
2. The offices although they were very new and beautiful with glass floor to ceiling, all had glass doors blocking the energy that is necessary to create a buzz and no one was connected, you could see, but your couldn't feel.
3. It was very quiet they had no life.

I am a ball of energy and life, I have too much to offer and I would die at a place like that. I did also realize I was being lazy and selling myself short like we all often do. I did the same thing recently when I spoke with a person in the news industry to accept an article I wanted to write. It is so interesting how those who have a platform are often unwilling to give you guidance as if they have always been great. That's why in life life as Prince said, " Your on your own."

We have to figure it out. Did the things change in my life that went wrong at the end of February? No. Did I die? No. Lesson learned, do what you love don't be scared. I have a big (potential) client that I have been chasing for a year. I spoke with her 2 months ago, but she's not the only big client in America.
I'm a phenomenal coach, I'm updating some of my presentations and getting back out there offering my services because I have a lot to offer and losing a major client can't be the end of it all. I'm fearful to branch out more on social media. I really want to use I.G. Live and F.B. Live I'm not sure of all the answers. This is what I'm working with for 2019.

I know that I heard myself say out loud that one of the reasons I wanted to get a job was because I felt my business had mediocre success last year. I was shocked when I said it, but it was the truth. I often meet with many who want to utilize my services, yet many either can not afford me or are unwilling to pay. I learned in the sales business that you must go through the numbers. That means if we had mediocre success last year than we didn't talk with enough people last year. I did my numbers and it was pretty impressive 15 to 25 per day seven days a week. Let's round that off at about 6,000 for the year and of that number lets say half of them had an interest in D.S. Woodard Consulting and of that half I set actual appointments with 30% which is 900 of those about 20% show that's 180.

 I charge $49 initial consultation fee per 45 minute increments, so that's roughly $8,000 in appointment fee's and some become actual clients for on going services, others fall out, they can't afford it etc. I hope you get the drift. This sounds awesome, right? If I get 15% of that 180 potential clients who made the initial appointments to actually commit that would be great.

Those numbers are real  numbers and I actually lowered them, but it just didn't happen the way I planned it. Why? Because I didn't plan it clear enough. I spent too much time chasing the big clients who could give me 85 people at once instead of focusing on the 3,000 individuals or the 180 individuals and working harder on those numbers.

 I told you all of this to let you know yes it is hard, hard, hard, but when faced with going back to work for someone else, someone who clearly doesn't appreciate the talent and skills that you have to offer and bring to their table you have no choice, you have to make it for yourself and for your family. The young man I spoke about in the beginning of this post may have left his family physically, but he did leave them a legacy and there is abundance for them to continue on.

 If you were to leave the planet today would your family be able to say the same thing? Would you be leaving them another bill? Could they take what you started and continue to build or would they have to sell? Get some assets and build for your future and that of your family.

Second quarter goals: Replace the lost client with 3 new clients.  Plan tighter structure, set higher appointment numbers and follow up every day except Monday's I opt to not call people on Monday's it's the most stressful and unproductive day of the week.

P.S. Say to yourself, I'm not perfect and it's alright!!!

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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