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Be Happy Today Because You Can

Good afternoon,

 The joy felt today is enormous. I love how things keep appearing to show you where you are in the universe or how aligned you are with your goals, ideas, or purpose. Learning to read between the lines is such a gift. I read very well, and I speak many languages. Happy is my all- time favorite song. I love Pharrell's Curtis Mayfield smooth sounding voice and his infectious simplistic drum beat and top that off with the fun joy-filled music video and this is me and the way I feel about life.

 I love this song and the video is perfect. Thank you, Pharrell. 

I said this because this is the way to get to what it is that is wanted in your life. You must feel this way genuinely. It takes time and it takes practice. Life gives us exactly what we are, not what we want. 
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." Marcus Aurelius

It's mid- month of the beginning of the second quarter for 2019, how's your game plan moving along? I have a few quick tips.

The first begins the post. We must be happy with the success we've created so far. No matter what that looks like. We did it. We created it. If there is nothing, then we did that also. We can only look in the mirror and ask the question to our self.
1. What am I doing with my time?
2. What am I really doing here?

Let's get back to the plan.
Whatever it is it's not big enough. Make it so big that if you miss it you still won't recognize your life in the next 5 years. 
Drake "God's Plan"
This is hard. This is the point of what we're doing, right? Make sure you are having fun every day. It's so easy to get caught up in the rat race. That's what 95% of the population does. You and I are the 1 to 3% of the population that are willing to grind, sweat, and push the limits to get out of the rat race and get off the wheel.
He/She's not going nowhere
I know that you and I are still not there yet because it's hard, but we must keep going. If you are reading this post, you are still here, do something great and post it on the web. Make a big explosion I want to know that you pressed through it. Do something you normally don't do today. This week earn more than you ever have doing what you love. Be creative, love someone you don't know and make them know it. I think we don't feel enough for others. Stretch what your normal boundaries are and move them to the outer reaches of what society says is alright. 
Dance like no one is watching!!

Remember "Time don't go back it goes forward, can't run from the pain go towards it." Jay-Z 
Be able to leave the planet with no regrets. Our family, our tribe, our nation and the world are counting on us. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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