Good evening all. This month it's time to start planting our seeds.
What are your goals for 2019? Let's start there. This is our 1st quarter check. Pull out your yearly
planner and turn to the page marked March 9,2019.
What does it say? Nothing! What does that mean to you? It says to me it's time to make a change. This is going to be Saturday so you should be free for a few hours to get some planning done.
Who knows what's next on the list of goals?
1. Make a choice.
2. Create a plan.
3. Dream big, have a vision, do what you love.
For this post I want to talk about transitioning from step 2 to step 3 dreams.
This video is one of my all time favorites. I love the energy of this song, and I love this video.
This is how you must feel about what it is you're doing everyday. I know, I know, I know, it's hard to break away from the masses and what you've been told your whole life. "Go to school, get good grades, and get a good job. You'll have security and live happily ever after."
In North America 300,000 federal government employees found themselves on the opposite end of that spectrum as 2018 came to an end.
There are no guarantees in this life, so why are we so afraid to do what we say we would do if we had all the money in the world or if all of our bills were paid?
F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real
These are two examples that stop us from enjoying the life we came to live. In order to serve the many we must confront that which we fear that is great in ourselves and become greater. It takes one small step moment by moment daily, weekly, monthly, yearly until there is nothing left except our powerful self. Nothing stops us but us.
We talk ourselves out of progress quickly and that's why we freeze up and lead mediocre lives until we run out of what we think is unlimited time. Mel Robbins talks about this in her 5 Second Rule Talk.
I have a client who keeps telling me," I don't need your motivational speech, just get to it what's the next thing I need to do?" I just laugh because I don't motivate anyone. I inspire you to find what is inside of you and I am repetitive about it.
That's where we are today. I want you to go within and start with today, make a real decision about what you want your life experience to continue to be. Create a plan or get help like a mentor or a coach and then begin to implement the plan. Dream bigger than you ever have before.
Last month you wanted to earn $100 extra dollars then change that number to be 5 times more. If you wanted to earn $10,000 last month even if you didn't earn it increase that number to $15,000. I hope you get the idea of where I'm going here. Whatever your number was increase it by a tleast five.
I'm guilty of dreaming small or what I think is reasonable. I want you to be unreasonable for the next three months. Push it to the limit and then move beyond what you think is possible. If we want to be great we must serve one person, then we must increase that number until there is such a large number of people we serve that our life has changed as we are helping hundreds of thousands or millions of those who desire our product or service.
This is enough for now.
To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard
What does it say? Nothing! What does that mean to you? It says to me it's time to make a change. This is going to be Saturday so you should be free for a few hours to get some planning done.
Who knows what's next on the list of goals?
1. Make a choice.
2. Create a plan.
3. Dream big, have a vision, do what you love.
For this post I want to talk about transitioning from step 2 to step 3 dreams.
This is how you must feel about what it is you're doing everyday. I know, I know, I know, it's hard to break away from the masses and what you've been told your whole life. "Go to school, get good grades, and get a good job. You'll have security and live happily ever after."
In North America 300,000 federal government employees found themselves on the opposite end of that spectrum as 2018 came to an end.
There are no guarantees in this life, so why are we so afraid to do what we say we would do if we had all the money in the world or if all of our bills were paid?
We talk ourselves out of progress quickly and that's why we freeze up and lead mediocre lives until we run out of what we think is unlimited time. Mel Robbins talks about this in her 5 Second Rule Talk.
I have a client who keeps telling me," I don't need your motivational speech, just get to it what's the next thing I need to do?" I just laugh because I don't motivate anyone. I inspire you to find what is inside of you and I am repetitive about it.
That's where we are today. I want you to go within and start with today, make a real decision about what you want your life experience to continue to be. Create a plan or get help like a mentor or a coach and then begin to implement the plan. Dream bigger than you ever have before.
Last month you wanted to earn $100 extra dollars then change that number to be 5 times more. If you wanted to earn $10,000 last month even if you didn't earn it increase that number to $15,000. I hope you get the idea of where I'm going here. Whatever your number was increase it by a tleast five.
I'm guilty of dreaming small or what I think is reasonable. I want you to be unreasonable for the next three months. Push it to the limit and then move beyond what you think is possible. If we want to be great we must serve one person, then we must increase that number until there is such a large number of people we serve that our life has changed as we are helping hundreds of thousands or millions of those who desire our product or service.
This is enough for now.
To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard
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