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Hobby or Seven Figure Business Entity, What are You Doing?

Good day. This year is becoming more interesting by the day. I thought about this post today as I worked on several business projects one after the next, all generating zero dollars currently, yet all consuming major time commitment to complete. Now I know that they all are money makers in time, but after a certain amount of invested time you do have to wonder are these hobbies or are these things that I'm doing able to create a seven figure income? One of the things that those who follow me know is that I like to plan, do and then review often, which is why I change directions quickly and many times.

 Successful people and successful businesses make changes and adjustments as needed. People and businesses who don't are usually left behind or forgotten. We spoke of this on the last post with the technology and the companies that refused to change and grow and how they filed bankruptcy. If you go to any store even the mom and pop stores you will find they all have a machine that will take payment from a debit or credit card, correct?
  I remember when this was first introduced and I fought with my bank for forcing me to use online banking. I thought it was crazy that I could buy a McDonald's burger and fries with my bank card instead of cash and today I don't eat McDonald's, but  most days I get a cup of coffee and I go to a person-less kiosk order, and pay for my coffee. I am glad I don't have to go behind the counter and pour the coffee myself, but I like the convenience, to a certain degree of placing my own order without waiting in the long line, but then I still want a face and a person to be available to service my needs.

 I love technology and I am definitely a techie, but I also know there are those who will never embrace it and need to have a way of creating income, so for those people you must make your desired life by not fearing the unknown. Your thing you love to do, can be a million dollar business entity.

 There are things that were once illegal that are now multi-billion dollar corporations, like alcohol industry which the first creators of it made it in their homes with things like potatoes and a homemade distillery

 and now marijuana which is clearly soon to come to the State of Maryland if you live here you see the advertisement for it everywhere. In recent years the State of Maryland became a legal place to gamble in casinos
View this MGM article on revenue & wealth

 again once forbidden, I used all of these examples because they were so highly unlikely sources of business ideas just a few short years ago and now clearly are an unlimited source of income and according to the above article the harbor is securing a minimum of $50 million a month with this one entity alone, so where does that put you?

 I know you do a little knitting or you can shoot a mean 3 point from mid court, or you just can't see your idea that others consider a hobby ever becoming a booming business entity. Well that only puts you where all those others I just mentioned were, they started and now they're ideas are all successful businesses that others support financially.

 Start where you are today March 1, 2018 and move forward. Never quit, push through all obstacles. Focus today on what you have to offer and how it benefits others and always remember to do what you love, it matters when the going gets tough.

To your success,
DS Woodard


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