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Multitasking and Marketing made easy as 123

Good day all. We're heading into the third quarter of the first month of this New Year and it's time to get back to our marketing training. 

This year your business goals should be growing. Time is marching on and people are waiting for your product or service. This year you are going to get your business certified with the federal government, with the state and local governments and if you live in another country don't worry your government has programs to purchase your products or services and if they don't the U.S. Government purchases a large percentage of its products and services from foreign entities you just need to do the research.
Start with the web links below

The US Government does not do anything but purchase everything from vendors and insure that things are available for others. Think about it the majority of government jobs are program analyst and program managers. This is a good thing for you as a small business owner.  This is another subject that we will go into further at another date, but I want you to start thinking about it. This leads me into the training for today on Marketing. 

I have recently been working on a marketing analysis for a new division of the DS Woodard Consulting business entity and it took me to the Census Bureau. If you've never been here is Census industry data portal & here is their international website I suggest you take a look. It is very detailed and quite daunting, but it will give you a good analysis of what the market looks like all over the country for different businesses and the people using different products and services.  Here is a great article on business deserts and how they can be an opportunity for you to fill the void.

 Don't be like my son who wants things to be easily handed to him. Do your research and don't give up if you can't find things right away on the site it is a challenge that you can succeed in achieving if you remember your goal.
This chart is an exaggeration but everything with the gov is a process

I realize these details about your business are often overlooked and time consuming, yet if you wish to have massive success and leave a legacy to your loved ones for generations to come then you must complete a business plan that has a market analysis that you have taken time to create.

 I work with many beginning business owners who don't want to utilize this step and then 1 or 2 years later they have made very little progress and it can be traced back to improper or lack of planning. All of the major corporations have a business plan and it does not need to be elaborate, it can be simple yet it should include:

This brief seminar with Brian Tracy is so helpful. If you have time make sure you watch it again and take notes. Mr. Tracy is a multi-millionaire trainer with a current net worth of about $15million. He has a multitude of inexpensive training products on his website 

He also has plenty of free information on social media. I loved his tape series on time management I purchased years ago, yes it was a cassette tape series, but it was so useful and helped me tremendously.

After that 25 minute training the next thing you will want to do is go to the website & then you may want to visit here this is their page about contracting.  They have a template for creating a business plan.  We have gone over this before, but as I speak with new members of DS Woodard Consulting and from my own experience time passes and things we didn't get done a year or two ago have long been forgotten. This should be plenty for now also make sure you google how to do a market analysis for helpful tips. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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