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What's Coming In?

Good day all.  Today is great day to become informed.  Most workers in their respective countries engages in some form of service or servitude for a wage.  Most Americans call it income, because we are trained to call it that from the IRS so they can tax it, however it is not income it is a wage.  Income is a compound word that is connotative (deceptive or having more than one meaning). It sounds right, but it's not and with that I will let you do the research to make the conclusion that is fitting to your particular circumstance, while looking it up make sure you also use the etymology online dictionary.

As time moves forward, you should learn to know things and stop allowing others to give you their perspective on what things mean.  You will be surprised to find that most of what others teach or tell you is of no real benefit to you or your family's generational wealth or well-being. 

I want you to view this movie clip. I recently viewed the movie it was great with an interesting significance. 
This is a few years old, but you may have missed it.  The movie is worth viewing if you can find it online, I did find if free.  It will help you see something you may be overlooking.

 "Profits are better than wages." Jim Rohn

Business owners create profits and pay wages to employees.  This is what creates your generational wealth.  Wealthy families have schools to teach each generation about maintaining and growing their wealth.  I spoke about this in 2015, but I want to remind you again and I want to encourage you to teach your children and grandchildren about creating wealth as early as you can if at all possible before they ever get a (just over broke) job.  If you're not certain I'm here to tell you that wealthy family's children and grandchildren or as they are called heirs don't get jobs they inherit trust accounts or trust funds. 

The clip of coming to America is for comic relief, but it is how they feel and you should also.  If more of us felt this way we would rack our brains until we came up with a way to prevent our heirs from losing their potential and never living their dream life because they have to work a job to pay bills and there is nothing we can do about it.  I know they didn't teach you in your prospective schools, but it's catch up time and you must give it your all and allow nothing to stand in your way or be your reason, excuse etc. to not go to your grave having built a legacy that lives for the next hundreds of thousands of years beyond you.  Follow this link to see what you may be missing make sure you read Passing the Baton: Lessons Learned.

To your success,
D.S. Woodard



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