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Mid-Summer's Dream

Good day all.  The time is coming to the latter part to the summer moving into the Leo aspect of the year.  This is the dreamiest time of the twelve-month spectrum.  Everyone is seeking to get their vacations in and the beginning of the back-to-school shopping season will start, so what about your business entity?

You are going to need to wake up and get into gear.  The fall will be upon you in a blink of an eye followed by old man winter.  If you are smart you have been preparing like the ant does. The ant thinks winter all summer and works relentlessly to be well nourished and comfortable during the harsh months when they can't get out.  It's amazing to see many go year after year and still be clueless on how to move forward and leave a generational legacy.   I know they didn't teach you in school, your parents simply worked a job or multiple jobs, etc.  I know, but among civilized people, there is no excuse for Ignorance of law which means a person has a duty to know and it is presumed that every man/woman is to know Allah (All-law).

" Ignorantia juris non excusat or Ignorantia legis neminem excusat," is a Latin maxim which means "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one."  The same applies to life.

"You gotta know." Jim Rohn

Life does not care if you know the rules, it just is and you will continue to exist, so learn the laws of the Universe and the society of this planet upon which you spend your time.

This is the information age which is the age of knowing.  To still not know things is against the law and you pay the price by being a slave to the system.

Awaken from the dream of false truths and get busy knowing what your desires are and learn how to attain them.  School is not designed to give you the map unless you happen to know how to read between the lines.  Think about it," there are only 540 billionaires in the United States, with a combined net worth of $2.399 trillion, according to Forbes 2016 list of the world's richest people. There are only 2,043 billionaires, in the world up from 1,810 in 2016 according to Forbes.  The number or millionaires in the world according to this chart are as follows
Rank Country Number of
US$ millionaire
1  United States 8,008,000
2  China 2,070,000
3  Japan 1,081,000
4  United Kingdom 961,000
5   Switzerland 519,000
6  Germany 446,000
7  France 445,000
8  Canada 440,000
9  Italy 354,000
10  Taiwan 324,000
11  Australia 230,000
12  Hong Kong 223,000
13  Netherlands 222,000
14  Saudi Arabia 214,000
15  Belgium 202,000

For a total of 15,739,000 reported millionaires in the world, this number is not all inclusive, but it is a good idea since the numbers will only decrease as we look into other countries that are not on this list, like Morocco which has about 4,500.  Now there are 7.4 billion people on the planet reported, and there are 39.2 million people living in the state of California so let's just say half the people in California are the millionaires and billionaires of the planet where does that leave the remaining 195 recognized countries and their inhabitants as far as wealth is concerned?

 We are talking about billions of people living a mediocre lifestyle and earning a minimum wage for multiple years of their lives and then getting to their golden years impoverished.

94 year-old McDonald's employee

Get it together. There's nothing wrong with working at McDonald's or any other business, however when do you get time to just enjoy living?

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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