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Only Do What Gives you Joy!

Good Evening, this is the beginning of spring and the month is more than half past, it's time to make certain that your plan is working properly.

I do an assessment of my progress every 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, but my mentor Jim Rohn suggest that we do an assessment at the end of the day each day, then again at the end of the week each week.  This is wise, because often time moves rapidly and we can get caught up in false momentum, thinking we are reaching our desired goals, only to find out it's been more than 90 days, and is quickly approaching 9 months or a complete year and you have made little progress. Let's hear what the late great Jim Rohn has to say.
If you watched that you have a good idea of what to do next.  If you are doing anything but something you love, you are wasting your moments.  You are not being productive.  I love when he say's "don't wish it was easy, wish you were better, don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills, don't wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom."  So what's the point of gaining a skill or becoming better at something that does not give you joy?  Millions of people do this every day in hope that they will attain money, fame or some other form of what they consider to be success.  I promise that it doesn't work that way.  I came across this next video in my research as I'm forming an Organic food co-op in my community and this guy proves my point.  If you have time about 19 minutes it's worth viewing he has a highly unique system that is awesomely inspiring.
  I have to say this was great to witness.  This is just one of millions of stories.  One of my mentors once asked me about 12 years ago, when I said I want to be a millionaire, how much is enough?

This is the question I want you to ask yourself.  Self: How much is enough?  How much do I really need to be comfortable, happy, and healthy?  The reason is that in the end the only real thing that you have to give or offer is your time.  Once that is spent or used there is no return on it.  How are you choosing to spend$$$ your time each day?  If you are chasing the illusive federal reserve notes, I suggest you wake up.

 Federal Reserve Notes are the only type of U.S. banknote currently produced.[1] Federal Reserve Notes are authorized by Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913[2] and are issued to the Federal Reserve Banks at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.[3] The notes are then put into circulation by the Federal Reserve Banks,[4] at which point they become liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks[5] and obligations of the United States.[3]

I hope you read the above information it says nothing about your families well-being or generational legacy, so get a clue and do the things that you love.
“Make hay while the sun shines" is an old saying that's considered a proverb. A proverb is an old, usually short saying that communicates good advice or something true.
If you make hay while the sun shines, it means that you take advantage of the chance to do something while conditions are good. In other words, you make good use of your time or make the most of an opportunity while you have the chance. Taken 

A Jamaican gentleman I once worked with use to say this all the time, regardless where it originated it makes sense to me and I hope to you also. 

To your success,
D. S. Woodard


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