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Can You Press through?

Good morning.  We are getting into our year rather quickly.  As business owners and executive employees we have to constantly remind ourselves what it is we do.  I have new members of the High Achiever's Academy and it is awesome. This month we will get back to the beginning of planing our businesses.  That means creating a business plan. It will take a few post, but we will get it done.
The DS Woodard Consulting Group will be coming out with a new format by the months end.  There will be a short post for those who happen upon the page and there will be a small membership fee for complete access.  I think $1.25 per week is doable.  I appreciate the support of the blog, but I am converting it to you will still be able to reach it the same way but it will integrate with my web page.

How do you get to this image and open your business?  You have to start with a plan.  We have been here before, but with so many new High Achiever's in the academy I have to go through this beginning to end. 

Step One:
Come up with an idea.  This is easy because we experience so many different things daily this is what gives us ideas on how we can have a better experience.  I'll use myself as an example.  I've been a vegan for the last 2 years, and it's not an easy task.  Like everyone else I spend an enormous amount of time outside of my home, so during a typical 8 to 12 hour day I have to eat several times a day, right?  The challenge is that there are not that many vegan restaurants or even grocery stores, so I often have to bring my on food I prepare at home or starve all day or eat some snacks that are completely against the diet I have also I usually have to travel a greater distance to get to the handful of organic specialty markets in my area, but I'm busy so it's not always feasible.  For the last almost 2 years I've been attempting to create an establishment that will not only feed those who want to become or are vegan but also has an educational aspect to it. So this is the idea created out of my need. 
Step Two:
Create a business plan, and it does not need to be complex, it simply needs to give you guidance or a road map to follow. We will build it together so that it is simple but powerful. It also will help you to raise funds if necessary to get your business going.  The next part of that is to just jot down what your ideas are and we will call this the Executive Summary.
We want you to create this even if you have already started your business, this will help you see where and how you can expand.  We will stop right here.  This is enough for today. If you want me to review your step one and step two which are the same step, just the Executive Summary is more detailed email me at or  
if you want me to review what you have or if you have more specific questions. 

 2017 the year of Trump Presidency is a perfect time to begin or take your business to the next level.  He is a business man so this should be a prosperous four years for those who decide to begin or expand their business ideas and goals.
 To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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