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3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful. 

Step 1
"My whole life is about winning. I don't lose often. I almost never lose."
Donald Trump

Donald Trump has the awesome ability to focus on a specific goal.  This is how I knew he was going to become the president.  Most business owners are too busy trying to focus on multi-tasking, and operate their business as an employee. I've done years of research of wealthy business owners of many different business types, and he was one I admired for his business prowess. So why would he say he almost never loses?  He makes this statement because it is the truth.  If you review his many endeavors, you will find that he rarely loses at anything that he sets his mind to achieve.  He talks about his focus in his books.  His evidence is his reported $3.5 Billion in assets. Someone said, "Success leaves clues." Like the Donald or not, he is very successful at whatever he sets out to accomplish.  Learn to focus on the specific goal that you desire to achieve and refuse to see it any other way.

Step 2
Be Confident
"I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big."
Donald Trump
I agree. Why are most businesses unsuccessful?  Most business owners don't study successful businesses and they are not willing to be confident as the mega businesses are. If they did a little research they would see that all of the mega businesses began as one man/woman mom and pop businesses or college students who had a thesis or a class project, or just needed a way to get a few extra dollars that they then turned into a passion.  Some examples are UPS, FedEx, Microsoft, Yahoo, Subway, Walmart and the list goes on. 

Take it from Donald Trump and think big and dream more.

Step 3
Never Quit

If you haven't read, "Think and Grow Rich you won't understand this philosophy, but if you haven't read that book I suggest you go out and get it.
The second half of the first chapter is about quitting. Click this link to read "Three feet from Gold," why you should never ever quit.

Even when the going was tough he never has given up, even when he was a bankrupt billionaire, he persevered, so we as business owners can take these 3 lessons from the man no one thought would be elected president. 

To your success,
DS Woodard


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