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3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.  

Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business.

To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested in your excuses:

So here are 3 reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist
 (a person/organization who/that is highly skilled in a specific or restricted field) and ways that you can:

  1. Your competition isn't.  I just told you I am dealing with a multi-billion dollar corporation that for decades has never embraced the concept of customer service as a part of their culture, and it is obvious. This is the norm more and more in our microwave society.  Somewhere along the path to a money over people society we forgot to care about the people who are the very reason we have a business.  So if you can incorporate becoming a customer care specialist into your business model and teach this to your employees and practice this with all of your customer's you will have a steady continuous flow of appreciative clients that will gladly pay for your service because they know they will be respected and cared for.  I remember when you could go to any McDonald's and you could count on the exact same quality, and excellent service, but over the last several decades you can count on poor service and a lousy customer experience at all McDonald's.  I'm using them, but it is the case for them and  most billion dollar businesses in our society.
  2.  People will pay more for higher quality service with a smile and a great attitude. " Eighty-nine percent of consumers stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service." according to Right Now Customer Impact Report .  I am one of those customers.  I will not do business with your company if it gives poor customer service, and I will report it to those in-charge or a review if it doesn't take me too much to complete.  I will not let rude, ignorant, uninformed, improperly trained individuals or companies get away with being that way.  People often work long hard hours for their income, and that gives them the right to expect a certain level of professionalism, respect of time and gratitude for their choosing your company to do business with.  In 2014 American Express did a global customer service barometer survey and according to consumers the most important attribute of a successful customer service professional is efficiency-the ability to answer questions or handle transactions quickly.
  3. Your customers will sing your praises and send you more customers.  Have you ever seen a movie or tv show that was so awesome you told everyone you knew about it?  I know I have and the studio, the actors, nor the writers sent me a check for my free referrals.  I just did it. It's free advertising, that is a natural thing that people do.  How many people did you tell about what a horrible meal you had at a certain restaurant or what lousy service you received?  This is something we do freely and in great detail, so just imagine your business is the beneficiary of the free publicity or public service announcement because you treat others, your customers or clients the way that you would treat your mother, or the way that you expect to be treated with every transaction that comes to your business.  Word of mouth is a warm referral and they are eager to buy from you based on another persons experience. These customers are 10 times better than placing a marketing ad because their relationship with the person who recommended you automatically makes them trust you.  If you are in business the main reason people buy is they believe they like you and they trust you. The way to get to this is to become a person or business with integrity and character.
Check out one of my favorite mentors the late Jim Rohn


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