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Time Changes Things

Things are always changing. As time moves things, places, circumstances, and events change.  The noise that is our life allows us to experience a multitude of opportunities. Growth is always a challenge, but once you take the step out on the limb, faith steps in and grants you the desired outcome.

I am so proud of the people of color of America. It is so scary to challenge the establishment, and not for something that has happened to you, but for some other human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I am also proud of the many Americans, and our brothers and sisters of all races and other countries who also join our movement and feel our pain, and seek justice for all races.  You too have proven that if we come together for any purpose together our strength has the ability to move mountains, and create change that is for the common good of all people.

I see change and I see communities being born. I see Dr. King's dream becoming a reality. I know it's just a step, but if we have learned anything it should be that we must always keep watch over our brothers and sisters in this country and in this world. I hope that time has shown us that we are our brother's keeper. I hope we have learned that one person done wrong is all of us done wrong, for the same thing that is put upon one man can very easily be put upon all men if it is left unchecked or unquestioned.

I would like to end this post with a question.What type of business person are you? A lot of the injustice in the world has to do with a few who go too far for greed and power, they forget that what is done in the darkness will always come to light, and what goes around always comes back around it is the law of the universe. Do good, build others, be successful with pride and a knowing that what you and your company stand for increases those who are affected by what you do for generations to come.

P.S. if you haven't noticed I have added a subscription box to the page, as promised some time ago I am going to be adding a High Achiever's Academy portion to the blog which will include my new video podcast so it would be good to get in while I'm still building and it's free.  As I grow I take you with me and we all become more.

To your success,


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