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What Will America Do in the Aftermath of the Orlando Massacre?

It's that wonderful time of year again. Fun in the sun for the next three months.  A few more days and we will officially enter into the summertime.  June is always a great place for us to pause and do a major review of where we are in our businesses here at DS Woodard Consulting.  I like to encourage you to do it at the same time every year because it then becomes automatic. Those who have followed me for a few years know that I do my best to maintain consistency in the message given to all who care to listen.  Our aim on this blog is generational wealth in our finances, our health, and our relationships.

I started this post a few days ago and it has a beautiful picture of a beach in Florida, not Orlando, but Florida where today hatred has once again raised its persistent head. I want to say that I'm not sure what the country can do to curtail the violence. It appears that those who choose to take lives can easily get whatever tools are necessary for them to carry it out. I would like to show a brief video from our President Obama.
America has taken for so long from others and now in our generation the price is being levied. It is so unfortunate that those who came before us left this as a legacy this has been hundreds of years in the making, however God, or whatever you call your higher power is not mocked, we reap what we sow.  This is America's real history and you can check the records if you don't believe me.  This truly started with the Native American Indian, then Africans, who are now considered Black people, who are all still treated as second class citizens in our own country, right along with the races that now consider America their home.  I just wanted to get that out and I hope no one is offended, but the bible says that the truth shall set you free. 

I will post a follow up with some ideas on what you should do to make sure that you are moving in the right direction at this mid-year point with your business later in the week.  

Prayers are in order for all of the innocent lives lost on this day in the U.S.A.

D.S. Woodard


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