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Business As Usual No More

Good morning.  I am so excited for the business growth DS Woodard Consulting is experiencing. I am also so proud of those businesses that follow the blog who I have seen grow, stretch and become awesome. It is a challenge to slow down and create this blog that I love to share free information for others building their businesses, but I do my best.  I have several new projects that are extending beyond the D.C. Metro Area.  This is the goal and should be the objective of all of you. There is no reason for your business to stay local with the internet.  I recently watched a seminar about exporting and how small businesses should become apart of this industry, which is the world GDP and contains ninety-five percent of the worlds economy, which means as big as we want to think that America is it only accounts for about five percent of the world's economy.  That information is and should be mind blowing for those of you who thought staying in the US economy was the best way to go.  The US and the SBA actually encourage our businesses to export goods outside of our country.  It helps to strengthen the world's cash flow.

Take some time to add this to your long term business plans. Do the necessary research that will allow you to do this.  You may need to get a partner, but that is good.  Part of the non-profit that I founded will only function properly if it includes partnerships outside of our founding location, which we already have begun to form.


Learn to become the best business that you can be. You must realize that as a business owner you have to control all aspects of your business.  You have to create the bigger picture. If you are a home business find a way to hire one person in your community.  Even if it is just for a few hours a week you are stimulating the economy and you are stretching your business muscles.  It's time to grow and get rid of the business as usual.  Mom and pop is awesome, but how many years are you going to stay there?  The majority of small businesses in the U.S. have no employee's so you really just own a job and I have stated this before so stop doing this.  In the non-profit that I chair one of our main pillars is economic empowerment, predominantly Nubians since I am Nubian, but we are for economic empowerment so if you are another nationality that is excluded from big business because of your race you are included, and because I write this blog you have the benefit of my wisdom, insight, and input on how you can empower your Nationality.
  1. Employ someone from within your community and nine times out of ten they will be the same Nationality as you.  
  2. Teach them how to become more than an employee.  This is your each one teach one in action.
  3. Create a system of purchasing from other businesses within your community that are your race.  If you are a Nubian business owner this is harder, since most Nubian businesses are non-existent within the Nubian community.  Do your best to seek them out to stimulate comradery and good will.
  4. Establish a mentor program or community service aspect of your business and use a young person from your community. 
This is only a start, and it will be challenge, but I know that you are up to the task.  The next thing we will discuss is taking your business to the next level, which is beyond small under $1Million annual revenue to upwards of $10Million.  It is possible but let's get this helping others grow and building a community from within down first.

To your success,


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