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An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away, What if that's True?

How much time do you think you have? I ask this because we tend to think that we have all the time in the world.  Then as you view the pic to the left of these words we see a soul transitioned that we thought had an unlimited amount of time.

 He thought he had so much time that at the age of 57 with all of his worldly goods he (allegedly) had no will prepared for those he would leave behind.  

One of my mentors who I adore, the late, Jim Rohn often said, " An apple a day keeps the doctor away. What if that's true?" What if it is true and we never ate an apple, which is something we could easily do?  What if those who ate apples daily never get poor health? 

  Use this same analogy for walking daily.  What if you went for a walk daily just up and down the street you live on for a mile or two?  What if that kept your blood pressure at the optimal rate?  What if that kept your blood sugar levels low regardless of the amount of sugar you took in daily? What if it allowed you to lose excess weight? Why wouldn't you do it? 

 Most people won't do the things that are easy to do and that keeps them from getting to the next level in their lives.  

So you have to figure out what is your purpose.  It is always something you love to do and would often do for free.  This is usually your passion and it is different for everyone.  Stop listening to the world that tells you your talent is something you don't love, that's just not true.

Next you have to figure out a way to share your gift with the rest of the world or at least with those who it is meant to touch.  I like Go-Go music which is a local genre in the Washington, DC area I grew up with.  Wale doesn't really do Go-Go Music, but he used a little of it in his early music to honor being from DC.
  I'm using this because there are some of you who are googling what is go-go music right now.    Check out this quick clip at a live show in DC for Mardi Gras

  That proves my point, if you are not black and you are not from DC you more than likely don't like Go-Go and it would make no sense to you so that would not be your talent or gift, but so many do appreciate it that it is a thriving business in this area and those who participate love it.

  Everyone has a gift and it is up to you to figure out what it is and to market it to the right audience.  I want you to question yourself and go with what feels good.

 We are energy and our emotions tell us which way to go.  If it feels good you are going in the right direction, if it feels anything other than good you are going in the wrong direction.

  This is the easiest way to gauge if you are doing the thing that is good for you  and moving you towards your purpose.

People are waiting on you to create that thing that only you can create, that song, that book, that latest app, that new technology, that new talk show,that whatever it is, but there is someone waiting on it to improve their life experience or to move them to the next level of thought.  

This is plenty to consider for now.

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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