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Hello 2016 What's Old is New!

This is my life.
Hello my friends and followers. Welcome to 2016. I know it's close to ninety days in and you have not heard a word from me unless you follow me on twitter and that has been limited as well. 

 Things are great for me. I miss sharing the things that I live and learn with you guys, but as I told you in 2015, the format is changing and so am I.  I said all of that to say my focus is turned more towards me.  I actually see some of those who I mentor making great strides, so I am over the moon with joy about that and I don't need credit, I know what I have given to the Universe and now it is time to be a little more selfish.  I love moving forward and I am proud of all of you who are taking action, step 5 in my book Y.O.L.O and that is why I decided to move on to the next thing I've wanted to do forever, but kept making excuses about why I couldn't.  There are a million reasons, but like the famous line in Star Wars, Yoda, "Do or Do Not there is no Try."

You are where you are.

The time is now. Taking action and continued motion forward will propel you to the desired result.  One day we will have no more time and we just don't know when that date is. I personally faced the grim reaper eye to eye and was given a few more moments in the here and now.

  I keep reviewing my journals from the last 10 years right up to today's date and I continue to see a repetitive time frame. I have it written in black and white and in my very own handwriting. This is my proof or evidence that I am spinning my wheels at the same time over and over again year after year. Kind of like the movie that I love with Bill Murray "Ground Hogs Day." So as 2016 began or 2015 ended I have only done things that are moving me forward towards the things I say I desire and that make me feel good.  It is crazy and it is challenging, and it is freeing and at the same time it is restrictive.

Getting to know what you really desire and love and want before you leave the planet is a trip (journey). Staying focused and continuing or holding steady no matter what you have to lose or let go of is scary, but I refuse to continue on in the same vain for the remainder of my journey called this life.  I currently spend so much time doing this
(Not my script, just a prop pic)
and reading past scripts to help guide me and I still have much more to learn, but I am not afraid to venture to Hollywood, it is the next logical step.  I have put this off for the last 13 years since I left there knowing that I had to be there. 

Enough about me. What are you guys up to? Is there a burning topic that you would like me to review and write about? Are you enjoying your moments?  Leave a comment if you dare!

Don't forget to share since I will be limited in my post. I have deadlines for submissions and creation is fulltime. I will post updates.
I am re-creating so I haven't made time for that yet, sorry, it's just secondary to my right now moments.
You can also continue to email me
 DM me on twitter @1maiose
To your success,

D.S. Woodard


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