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Failure is Not a Four Letter Word, Embrace it, Here's Why

Good morning, we listen to daily podcast from many leaders in different aspects of life.  Yesterday we heard a message of encouragement from a Real Estate Investor, J. Massey of Cash Flow Diary new to us, but his message was right on point. He spoke about failure.
What we have been taught is to never fail or that if we fail it is a bad thing. This is why many are never successful or happy in their lives,they see the multiple failures as a curse or a road block.

 What is important is to first, try something, second try it again, third understand that there is no perfection, and those who fake perfection are lying to themselves. 

Here is a list of some people who are very successful and how they failed:

1. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her television job because she was too emotionally involved with her audience.
2. Dick Cheney flunked out of Yale University, not once, but twice.
3. Fred Astaire in his first screen test at MGM was rated by a director, "can't sing, can't act, slightly bald, can dance a little."
4. Marilyn Monroe was told by modeling agents she should consider being a secretary.
5. Harrison Ford was told by the movie exec's that he did not have what it takes to be a star.
6. Oliver Stone failed out of Yale, was rejected by publishers for his writing many times before becoming an Oscar-winning filmmaker.
7. Stephen King received 30 rejections for "Carrie" which he threw in the trash, luckily his wife retrieved it and convinced him to keep working on it. (side note to writers, read his book,"On Writing" it's available on audio and he reads it, he tells this story, but it's just a must read.)
8. J. K. Rowling was on welfare, divorced single mom with no expectation of anyone giving her money for her book, let alone becoming a billionaire in less than five years.
9. Jack London, author of The Call of the Wild and White Fang, first stories, received 600 rejection slips before finally being accepted.
10. One of our all time favorites, Michael Jordan has this to say about failure," I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been trusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

This is a great time to embrace all the failure that you have had this year up to this point in 2015.  The greatest thing is that you can only get better through making attempts at things that are new. If you are working on your business proposal and it seems daunting, that is awesome. It is awesome because if you are creating a business proposal you are stretching and growing. You are looking to your future and at the same time you are making moves in your now.  If you are experiencing some failure in getting new clients into your business again this is awesome. You are giving yourself and your business a shot. You are like Thomas Edison who said:
Keep up the good work, fail your way to the success you desire. Make sure you are following us on twitter we have a new platform which we will start posting on called Periscope the app is free on your Iphone and Androids. This is a great way to get our real time talks going so get the app and follow us @1maiose we will start the broadcast soon. 
Don't forget to share this with those you care about, you never know who needs a word of encouragement or a boost to their business.

To your success,


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