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Do You Know What The Biggest Part of Your Business Success is?

Good morning. Do you want to know one of the biggest reasons that most businesses fail in their first 5 years? If we tell you will you do anything about it?

Most business owners and sales people will not do what is necessary to succeed. The main reason is fear followed by the lack of salesmanship.

As a business owner you must be willing to sell what it is you do. If your business has a product you must have an unshakeable belief in the product or you will have mediocre sales. If your business provides a service, you must be sold 100% on the benefit to your potential clients to be successful.

Why you ask, there will always be a time when you will need to pursue and new clients and customers for your business. This is the time that your enthusiasm must shine and this is the time that most business owners are less than optimistic about the value of their product or service.

The problem, people don't like to be sold but they like to buy. As business owners most don't like to sell. Now do you see how this can be a problem. Even once you have a good understanding on how to create your marketing plan and you figure out what segment you will zero in on, you will still have to contact potential clients to do business with you.

In fact, even when your business is thriving you must constantly reach out to new clients for continued growth. People die, businesses change who they want to do business with, companies that you rely on for revenue today may have a budget cut or a complete shutdown.

Have you figured out the biggest part of your businesses success?  It is you. You must sell, sell, and sell. The best business owners are salesmen and women. Something about being in sales prior to starting a business especially network marketing prepares you for the no's. Everyone no matter how good they fit your prospect profile will not do business with you. You must be willing to hear the no, breath and move on to the next one or one hundred to get to yes.  Jack Canfield said," Some will, some won't, so what, someone is waiting." You must take this stance and run with it to defy the odds that 80% of business owners fail in their first 18 months to five years. 

What if you don't know something? No worries, figure it out. The internet allows for exponential growth instantly.

You are a salesperson if you own a business.
If you have never sold anything join a network marketing business. The cost of entry is very low and the personal and professional development gained is priceless.

Try to research the company before you start, just don't get analysis paralysis. Pick one that you can afford to join, that has a good mentor ship system and take in all you can. Get as close as you can to the highest level leadership and train, train, train, study, study, study. No matter what anyone says they got to the top from the bottom, but they are doing something right and it's not even their own dream like your business. We have two such examples and they have more than just their own success story.
We do know a few in the DC metro area and will direct you to two of them that we know are consistent and certified multimillionaires with a major track record and a major network in North America & Canada.

So if you don't know how to sell your mission in life is to:
  • Get a job selling something, cars is the toughest next to timeshare, but it will help you get tough-skinned. Most sales jobs will be commission only, so if this doesn't work for you then
  • Get involved with a network marketing company that is reputable. The one we shared is on the NYSE, so it's not going anywhere. Make sure the team you join is a successful team, with proof, which will be money, bank account, regular meeting place, an up-line, and a sales training process. The good thing about the network marketing is that you can keep your job and do it part-time. 
 To your success,
DS Woodard


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