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What is it that you do? How does it meet the needs of your customers? Let us help you figure it out.

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What is it that you do? How does it meet the needs of your customers? Not sure, let's figure it out.

What is it that you do, specifically? Ask a business owner this question or an entrepreneur beginning their business and the answer is usually not that easy to understand. They begin to recite a 10 minute soliloquy. This is not a Shakespeare play. You have to get to it, now. This happens to us also, but we have learned that you must get to it quickly when marketing to clients and potential clients. What is it? What do you do? What do you write about? What does your product do? What service do you provide, what does it do? 

This is a what’s in it for me question you must answer. People are asking, inquiring, reading, or visiting your site for one reason. They want to know what you can do to solve their problem.  You must know at a moment’s notice or you have lost the potential sale. You must be specific. This builds the trust factor. D.S. Woodard consulting, “we inspire you to take actions that will allow you to live your best life now.” If you are stammering or stuttering as you reach for an answer that you think will fit their need you have lost the trust factor. They don’t believe you. You are now lying or you are unprofessional and have nothing they are interested in and they are tuning you out.

Knowing what your product or service provides is different than knowing what you do. This goes back to knowing your why. Apple sells computers, IPhone's, I Pads, IPods, and watches. So! 

What Apple does is they create innovative products that enhances the user’s lives and the lives of those around them by creating fun, easy to use technology that is cutting edge and grows with their customers. 

This is our interpretation and we don’t work for Apple. If you own an Apple product you know that this is true. 

You must consider what you do and what it does for your customer. What is the true benefit to your customer? You must look for the emotional aspect of what it is that you do. This is what moves people and causes them to take action. This must then be communicated to your customers. 

If you ever watch a fiery preacher give a sermon you will notice that many of the church members remain seated during the majority of the sermon, but as he brings it home you will see the majority of the congregation on their feet yelling and shouting joyfully with him, why is this? He has stirred an emotion within them that compels them to take action and agreeing with him they shout, Amen.

 For those who aren’t into religion let’s take the Super Bowl, as the two teams meet most people pick a side they are rooting for, usually their conference AFC or NFC  not necessarily their favorite team. No matter which two teams play this is a big game so they pick one they will cheer for. Now when your team is winning you are excited and full of cheer, but let it get down to the last few minutes or seconds and they are losing you have no more interest in the game, you don’t even care about the winner to be, why is this? You are emotionally involved and you only care about the game based on how it made you feel.

 This is the key to engaging and compelling your customers to take action. You must evoke a spiritual, emotional happy, feeling that they believe to be because of what your service or product can provide for them.

It is what creating value is all about. You must make people’s lives better because of what your business does. You must also do this in as few words as possible. We love Twitter, and we love all of our tweeps. It limits you to 140 characters, and in order to be relevant or stay relevant you must be creative to make a statement worth reading, clicking and following through on in 140 characters or less, spaces and all. As you ponder creating your value proposition think Twitter.
 Next post we will learn about “who” your business product or service is for. This will take us into market segmentation.

Make sure that you share this training on Facebook, tweet it to those we don't know, share on google+ and our new LinkedIn button on the right of the blog. 

 Take a moment and share a comment if this has truly given you helpful ideas or if we missed something. Thanks

 Remember sharing is caring."You'll get all you want in life if you help enough people get what they want." Zig Ziglar

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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