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3 crucial things "to be," does your business have what it takes?

 How can you be engaging? Why should you be persuasive? Can you be personal?
Happy Feet 2
 Have you ever thought about these questions?

  How about these:
  •      Why should you have an engaging, persuasive and a personal story?
  •     What does this mean? 

This is the simple answer:
Engaging your potential clients is crucial in your marketing strategy. 

Before we get into market segmentation we want to help you with this important piece of your marketing strategy.  

This is the more complex answer:

If no one cares about your service or product your business will fail. If you want to earn a profit getting others to buy into your message is important, if not you will make little or no money when no one is persuaded to purchase your service or product. 

We want you to become the best business owner or sales professional that you can. We want you to continuously study these trainings and beyond D.S We believe that you have a good grasp on the personal development piece, now as we focus in on your financial well-being we want you to consider each step carefully. This is one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy.

How do you engage, persuade, and allow others to know you care or that it’s personal? 

Meet Millionaire trainer Brendan Burchard, he is awesome at inspiration and motivation he knows all the facts, loves people, makes it so much fun, but he is also really down to earth.

 This is not just a great illustration of engaging, persuasive and personal interaction it is also informative from the standpoint of a multimillionaire business owner , so watch the full 30 minutes for your growth. He does get to the topic of our training in the second half of the video. 

So you want to influence your customers by:
·         Knowing who they are.
·          Knowing what’s best for them, and
·          Presenting this to them in an emotionally, persuasive, admirable way. 

This will help your customer’s to take action which is the only way your business will be successful. The most successful businesses have word of mouth as their number one marketing tool. They do this because they have converted their customers into fans who perpetuate their cause for them. 
Raving Fan

Don’t believe this is true? Do you own an Apple product? If you don’t do you know someone who does? How many times have you told someone they should get an IPhone? How many checks have you received from Apple? None. Do you care, no, because you or the IPhone owner you know is a fan and will perpetuate their cause willingly for them. This is what you want your brand to be, a self-marketing tool that others will share, like, tweet and tell others about because they know that it will make their lives better. 

 Real life example: Our son owns an IPhone when our contract was up we weren’t happy with our provider so we bought a droid that was a pre-pay until we decided which provider to use. Our son refused to learn about the droid and rarely used the phone to our amazement. He continued to use his IPhone whenever he was in Wi-Fi and complained that he did not like or want the newer droid.

 Example number two, we own IPhones.  When our mother’s contract renewal came about she got a droid, this was a few years ago. We questioned why did you get a droid if you had a choice, why didn’t you get an IPhone? Her answer the sales person told her there was no difference in either phone, (clearly he got a bonus to sell the droid or he owned one) Fast forward a year later, she gets an IPad for Christmas, two months later she has an IPhone. 

What was her reason(s)? Practically everyone in our family owns IPhones and we rave about them, we love them. Reason number two, she received an IPad, and she sold herself. Her contract was not up, she trusted and believed us, but once she engaged with the Apple product herself she was sold. 

Can you say this of your business or the company that you currently work in? Why? Why not? You must answer these questions with a yes, so do the work by researching what is needed in your particular field, dig within your heart to ensure you are providing value, or reorganize your current value proposition, and mission statement for your business. You will be surprised at the simple, small improvements you can apply that will make a huge difference in how your business is received.

 We will begin segment marketing this week. Segment marketing is such a valuable tool. Knowing who needs your product or service and specifically targeting them makes life easier. Mass marketing is a waste of time, if you can learn and become strategic by marketing only to your specific audience your impact will be greater and will be received more successfully. 

If you are to move forward in any endeavor you must take action on the information you learn today.

 Knowledge is only power when it is put to use. If your current business or job is only netting you a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month it is a hobby or you are not fully living your potential. There is usually something you don't know or there is something you're not doing.

Question from D.W. What would you say is the biggest challenge you have faced in the last six months in marketing your business or finding new clients? Please answer in the comment box below or continue to email me directly at 

Don't forget to share this useful information to your followers and friends, you never know what one piece of information someone else is looking for to make their lives easier or better. 

Follow us on twitter & Facebook. Tweet, Share with your F.B. friends, Google+, Pin us(the pics make that possible), and share this on LinkedIn with our new share button on the right of the page. Sharing is caring, fun and easy, and it let's others know you're smart.

To your success,


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