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10 Awesome Business & Marketing Podcast You Gotta Hear and they're FREE!

Good afternoon. Today on our high speed information highway we do business in a multitude of venues.  The topic today is your list of 10 entrepreneurs who have free podcast chock-full of powerful business development and marketing ideas, along with successful guest and thousands of hours that will save you years as you develop your business plan.

There are hundreds of podcast available for your listening pallet, you just have to get out there and find those mentors you are interested in learning from and check for their podcast channel.  The tricky part is that most of their podcast are not the same name as their business. Most will have a link on their website, so if you can't find them on I Tunes or Google play no worries.

Make sure that you subscribe to the podcast so that you don't have to go through the search the next time you want to listen. This is the next piece that will venture into. Communications is what we love and soon you will be able to hear us and then see us, so stay tuned we are super excited. 

Here's the List of 10 Awesome Business and Marketing Podcast You Gotta Hear!

 This list is in no particular order, but we have listened to them all and received business changing information that we want to share with you:
  1. The Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn   Pat is a really cool dude, as he calls himself who loves his family and loved his job until he was laid off in 2008. He loves what he does even more now. He gives so much information and tutorials free on his blog and with his podcast. He has more than one podcast so enjoy.
  2.  Entrepreneur on Fire by John Lee Dumas John is a full-time entrepreneurial pod-caster. He post 7 days a week interviewing the most successful entrepreneurs to help you gain insight on beginning, growing, and maintaining your business. He shares his guests biggest failure, lessons learned, then the Ah-Ha moment, ending with a lightening round of questions to extract 6 golden nuggets of wisdom for you.
  3.  Seth Godin's Startup School by Seth Godin    Seth is the creator of one of the most popular blogs ever. Author of 18 best selling books, to include "Linch Pin". Seth is an intellectual blogger and speaker. He is very thoughtful trainer and a  highly sought after business speaker.  
  4. Growth Everywhere by Eric Siu   Eric is an internet techie whose business helps other businesses grow through online content marketing and social promotion. His podcast are quick and informative. 
  5. Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer by Sonia Simone  Sonia is the co-founder of CopyBlogger a wonderful, useful marketing company/blog. They offer training and pages of useful free tips for their subscribers.
  6. Online Marketing Made Easy by Amy Porterfield  Amy is a social media strategist who coauthored Face Book Marketing All in One for Dummy's she worked for Harley Davidson in marketing and events, and worked for Tony Robbins as a director of content marketing before beginning her own social media content marketing company.
  7. The Charged Life by Brendan Burchard   Brendan is a multiple Best selling author,one of the top 100 most followed on Face Book and many, many other successes. He is an awesome, genuine inspirational leader in the industry and loves helping others become their best and most successful self. 
  8. The Rainmaker FM  Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth both train on digital marketing which is the ever evolving world of pod-casting. Rainmaker.FM is a sister company of Copy Blogger. They are the authority in content and digital marketing. Their podcast is fun and critical if you plan to use digital marketing in your business model.
  9. The Entrepreneurs Radio Show by Travis Lane Jenkins Travis is a successful entrepreneur who helps others by bridging the gap between what you know and who you know by bringing successful entrepreneurs to his podcast to share their wisdom which creates an easier .way to success. Travis has a mission to help as many entrepreneurs as he can fit into his schedule become successful. 
  10. Social Media Marketing Happy Hour By Traci Reuter & Dawn Marrs Ortiz These ladies are having fun, and making marketing easy. They will share a ton of ideas that have been put to the test. The value they offer will be obvious to you.   
The value of this list will take all of your businesses to the next level, we guarantee it. The only catch is that you must as always take action on the information you received today. You must be like every one of these generous leaders and give or at least share this valuable and useful information with others, because sharing is caring and the majority of what they offer is free.

 We suggest you subscribe to each podcast and check into their respective websites and subscribe it will be a very wise investment and that's what High Achiever's do.

To your success,


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