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Why? How? What?

Simon Sinek
Good morning, this is a great leader we were introduced to last year. We want to use him for the marketing lesson today as we go deeper. We have a few questions:
  • Do you really care about your customers? 
  • Do you know what their needs are? 
  • Do you seek to solve a real issue they currently have? 
  • Do you have a value proposition?

We know you care about your customers. We know that their needs are important and you want to help them with your solution, but the numbers don't lie. If you aren't attracting many customers or your business account has no deposits flowing inward as my favorite mentor Jim Rohn would say, "You have (pause) messed up, you've got the wrong plan." That's alright that's why we're here. We inspire you at to help you aspire to a better path with a preferred action plan.

We help you turn in the right direction with simple easy to understand lessons and tools.
What is your value proposition? Your value proposition is defined by your customers, even the ones you have yet to serve. Your value proposition must answer:

  1.   Who is your target audience?
  2.  What do you do?
  3.   How is it unique?
  4.  Why do they care? What is the key benefit to them, their families or their businesses?

a)      Your answer to these questions must be structured simply and they must come from within your heart.
b)      Make sure you start with your “why,” your real purpose for your business. 

Do not move past this step it is the most important, watch this quick video and come back for the post close.

What Mr. Sinek said is what we know to be the truth. We buy based on how we feel. Customers, members, people in general act on a thing based on how it makes them feel. 

This is not all of the story, that’s why you must tune in with us for the next few weeks of postings on marketing skills.  We want it to be easily digestible. We want you to take action. Why? We desire that you have a firm understanding of what is required to not only become successful and prosperous, but so that you stay that way.

 Remember this is for your generational legacy of wealth. (Proverbs 13:22a, read this) 

 You will know that you have mastered a section when you are able to teach that section to someone else. That is the goal here, we are to learn, take action on what we learn, and then share and teach others what we learn. That is how you bring prosperity to yourself, your families, and all others in your life.
 Don’t worry if they can’t understand what you are teaching them. The time will come when they need the information and it will be readily available to them because you shared it. 

We are moving swiftly to the mid-year point only a couple of days left in May. Time is our most valuable asset. Many squander the blessing of time they have been given. They often reach their golden years and wonder what happened? We have met many of those poor souls and it breaks our heart each and every time. Today is the day to take action and figure out what it is you love doing, focus in and get some sowing going. Time is not on your side. You have a choice in every moment to decide, what is the most important thing I could give my attention to right now?

Don’t be tricked or fooled, your golden years are coming sooner than you think.
Quick story, so we had a conversation with someone dear to us just last week, it went like this,’ hey (your name here) how was your day? Oh, it was good. I went to a family function for my nephew’s retirement party.” Wow, that’s sounds nice.” “It was beautiful, but somethings wrong. What’s wrong? I’m 68 and my nephew is 50, he’s retired and I’m still working, what did I do wrong?” This is a real conversation you need to consider now.

You can click the link below Mr. Sinek’s picture to view the complete awesome Ted Talk, it’s only about 18 minutes. 

Don’t forget, keep sharing this blog with others, follow us on twitter @1maiose (means beginning anew), share our Facebook page as well, Pinterest, and Google+. Don’t do it for me, do it for you and those you love. That is the whole point. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


  1. We told you this is for the high achievers. Share your thoughts, only the high achievers please.


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