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What if you live to be 94? Would you have enough money? Learn how you can!

Wouldn't it be awesome to live to see your great,great, great nieces and nephews?

Salvidor Dali at The Moma
Good morning. Today begins the mid-year point of 2015. This is a great time to review your 2015 goals list. It’s easy to get off track as days, weeks, and months move quickly. If you are checking things off your list that are done, great. 

If you haven’t checked anything off its time to stop right where you are today and re-do the list. Something is wrong, but it’s a perfect time to fix things. December 2015 will be here before you know it and if you are in the same position as you were December 2014 you are doing something wrong, or you aren’t doing anything. 

You also may need to evaluate if you actually want the goals and objectives that you set. You must keep your original “why,” in front of you. This is the reason you said you would become financially and personally better. This is for you and your family’s future. This is so that you don’t spend your golden years in poverty relying on your friends, family and the federal government to get by. We recently visited with our great aunt Kitty who turned 94 on May 28, 2015.
That’s us with her in the selfie.

The joy and amazement that we experienced was mind blowing. She has her own apartment in a senior citizens building. She lives alone, happily and by choice, she made that clear. Her daughter is still living and is an only child. Her place was immaculate. It was large, bright and airy. She had white furniture with white wall to wall carpet.

 One funny thing she told us was that she doesn’t take baths. She takes showers, because she got in the tub a few years back and it took her hours to get out, the water got cold and she had to use her feet to warm her water up. This was too funny. Her building does have 24 hour front desk, but the alarms are by the toilet and by her bed. 

She still cooks and had an extra stand-alone freezer full of food. She said, “I cook because I have to eat and I’m alive, so I cook every day.” She has an active social life and is very involved in her community and her church. We were very impressed to say the least. There was more, but we’ll save that for our interview we plan to do.

 The point is she created a plan. It’s 2015, she’s made it to her 94th birthday and she is thriving. Money makes life easier. She takes care of herself with her own money. She has been retired from a local Air force Base, as an RN since around 1972.  That’s forty-three years that she has maintained and plans to continue to live several more years. Her father lived to be 99. 

This could be your story. This is not the typical story of most seniors in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, or their 90’s. How different is the story for the average American senior citizen? Very.

 This is why you must figure out your “why.” Then focus in on creating the wealth that is necessary for you and your family to live a life that is fulfilling and joyous without always having money as an issue, which stops most people from retiring at an age that they can enjoy their fruits of their labor and when they finally do they are so worn and have worried themselves into poor health and a small amount of money to barely survive on for their golden years. 

 Next post we will be back on task with the next step in marketing. What do you do?

Final thoughts on living your golden years financially free

  • You must stay on task for your larger objectives to be completed, time is not on our side.
  • You must become of more value to attract an abundant life to you and your family.
  •  You must know that you are valuable and what makes you so.
  •  You must not have fear of sharing your value with others in a meaningful way.
 To your success,
  D.S. Woodard
Salvidor Dali at the Moma


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