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Planning,Preparing, and Executing

Happy Memorial Day to all of our wonderful Veterans, who keep our great country," The Land of the Free and home of the Brave. " It was an honor to serve for the 8 years we were enlisted in the U.S. Army.  There were many things that we learned during that time. One of the greatest things that stuck with us was the fact that you could do more than your mind would allow you to believe.  During basic training you are pushed to a breaking point. Once that point is reached you find that you did it and you can actually go beyond that with relative ease. The barrier that you perceived was impossible was a figment of your imagination or the things you were told all of your life up to that point that were not achievable by you.
 So let's talk about the 3 steps of getting things done.  
  1. Planning, everything begins with a plan. This plan must be written down. If you merely say I'm going to do a thing, life will drag you by your heals and you will be tossed to and fro without your permission. Make it concrete and put
    your plan in writing
  2. Preparing, you must be begin to study, develop a tough mental process and focus on the things you want to accomplish only. Don't waste time on things that might go wrong or may never happen.  "Success demands singleness of purpose." Vince Lombardi, We should have a tweet this button here, so just tweet the whole post, thanks.
  3. Executing, following through on the daily tasks that creates the forward motion towards gaining momentum that pushes you to the achievement of your ultimate goal(s). This is the most important step. Taking action is the result of focused mental toughness that forces you as an Army Drill Sgt does to give the physical effort. There will be less physical effort once you clarify the desires that exist in you.
 You must remember that as you grow and learn you must then teach, a that point you will begin to do. Alright, so many of our followers in Romania our biggest market, thank you so much, yes they are beating you here at home in personal development growth and marketing.The above is a marketing report, keep sharing, Google+ this, Tweet this, and share with your Face Book friends and family at the links below or on the side of the page. Sharing what you know is the only way you grow.  Keep adding value to others lives.

 Don't worry if they like it right away, as you become more they can look back at what you shared on your road to success.  We will be taking those who are ready to the next level in their business. This week we will begin a Marketing series.  Don't miss out and make sure you share with others.
To your success,


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