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Exit Stage Left

Good afternoon, today is the middle of May, where does the time go?  In fifteen days we will reach the mid-year check point.  What have you done today to make your exit from the mundane, mediocre lifestyle that the majority of society lives?

It's Saturday and it was a wonderful day to spend time with family and friends relaxing and enjoying life.  Was that the case for you? Let's take a look at some strategies to get you started, or help you take further action, now!
"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens." Mandy Hale (blogger turned New York Times best- selling author).
 We believe this quote, but (disqualifying statement follows) we lived this way for many years only to find we kept wavering back and forth along that thin line of let go and trust and scared so we better follow a plan.

What we now know is that having a plan mixed with the trust and belief in seeing what happens does work.  The main thing that is necessary is consistent focus on the plan.

Today get your notebook, journal or your Iphone note pad, now write on the top of the page:
Pinterest (Exit Stage Left)

Well we can't tell you what to write or how many goals to set, we only want to guide you in the right direction.  Start with the easiest goal and work your way down to the most challenging.  Focus on one thing at a time. Start to do more of the things that you enjoy doing and less of those things you don't. 

Give yourself permission to love life and to love the things you do on a daily bases. Become more selfish, you have permission to not play with those who are not fun to play with.

Our Living in the Moment, twitter book club is reading, "The Richest Man in Babylon," George S. Clason on Itunes for those who have access. It is awesome to read it this way. If you don't have it get this book. Our twitter is @1maiose.

We have found that reading a book can save you time. If you learn something it took the author 10 or 20 years to live and learn, that is an amazing way to get ahead quickly. What could you do in 10 years if you read a book a month and that saved you 10 years for each book because you knew what the author knew in 30 days not 10 years?

Winston Churchill said," Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Keep going, you are doing great. It is getting easier.

Can you do us a favor? Great, leave a quick post if this was of any value to you, or Tweet,Facebook, or Google+ this post. Thanks

To your success,


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