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Correct the errors of the past

Happy New Year!  2014 is in the rear view mirror of time so let's look forward to an awesome 2015. 
Jim Rohn was one of our favorite mentors.  His wise and witty teachings are a big part of why we do what we do.  In one of his teachings he said,"correct the errors of the past and create some new disciplines for a better future."  If you stay trapped with the regrets of the past failures, past mistakes, past losses, you often can't move forward and make choices that moves your life in the direction that you desire.  Your future is a place you should consider and design.  You will soon spend time there.  The question is will you like it when you get there? 

Today is the third day of 2015.  What have you done in the first few days of this new year to move yourself towards achieving the goals and objectives you desire for yourself and your family?  Every few months we make a major change.  If we see that the goals we set for a specific time frame are not producing the results we expect we change directions quickly and we never second guess the decision or look back.   Jim Rohn said, "don't let too much time go pass without checking your results. You are asked in life to make measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time." You should be checking at the end of everyday, at the end of every week, at the end of every month and at the end of every year. 

This was our New Year's Day message to our D.S. Woodard Consulting Facebook  friends:

A recent study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute done on 1,254 individuals, 1003 workers and 251 retiree's in Jan 2013 of those who responded 57% said they have total household savings and investments of less than $25,0000 excluding their homes and benefits plans, 28% said they did not believe they would have enough money to retire comfortably,another 28% reported that they have less than $1,000 in savings for retirement. Most reported that saving for retirement has to take a back seat to more immediate financial concerns.

 Thirty percent of workers and twenty-seven percent of retiree's aren't saving because they are trying to make ends meet, (ends don't meet ). Only half of those workers and fifty-two percent of the retiree's could come up with $2,000 if something unexpected came up in the next month.

This is your January 1, 2015 wake up call my friends. No matter what age you are today inflation( the annual continued rise in cost to live your daily life) is a fact of our lives. Those who are closer to 50 & 60 than 20 or 30 should make a plan today. No New Years resolution, just get financially literate and stop wasting your time (your most precious commodity) at a job or career that pays you just enough so you don't quit, while month after month and year after year you live paycheck to paycheck. Stop it now. Those who are fortunate enough to be in your 20's or 30's you have plenty of time,but you need to figure it out now. Don't wait.

 The first book for everyone to read to help you get started is "Rich Dad/Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. It has information that is important and if you are one of those who hasn't read a book since you left high school they have it in audio books and it is free on you tube you simply need to look it up.

The study for 2014 is available as well, the numbers are similar and the reality of this survey is that there are millions of Americans who failed to plan for their future.  It is easy if you can correct the errors of the past and create some new disciplines for your future.  How do you do this you ask?

Step 1. Realize where you are today financially.  Look at your bank account.  Are you living from paycheck to paycheck?  Do you have six to twelve months in savings in case something happens and you need to take time off work or from your business?  How much do you have invested in your future, the place you will live your golden years?

Step 2. Create a serious plan.  Not just how you want to live in the now, but more important, how you want to live your golden years.  Don't rely on the government, your friends or family to take care of you as you age.  The survey shows this is the strategy that about fifty percent of Americans have taken.  Your heath and your youth are the best assets you have working for you use them now.  Take an estate planning class, speak to those you know who are currently living their golden years.  Find out what strategies they used.  If they are not living the lifestyle that you want then ask them what they would do differently if given the opportunity to turn back the hands of time.  Study the numbers you will need to live comfortably in your golden years, make sure you talk with a professional who can help you add in annual inflation.  

Step 3. Take action today.  It's a new year and along with the personal development you're learning should come growth.  You are your best asset.  Your mind and body are all you really have to create the abundance you want for you and your family.  The goal is to leave generational wealth.  Continue to plan, review and do what is necessary to make it happen. 

It's easy, and it's hard but you can do it.  Happy New Year. 
 Let's go, you should already have your 2015 goals and objectives list we started a few weeks ago.  We want you to add estate planning to the list.

To your success,


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