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Being a Champion takes Heart

Good morning.  It seems that this month has moved so quickly.  We are a week away from Thanksgiving.  This is a great time of year for many families.  During the holidays many people treat each other kinder and are more giving to those who are less fortunate. 

 We hope that you have thought of those who have less and remember to give to them in any way that you are able.  We will be sending our contribution to The Community of Hope and their adopt-a-family program.  Be a champion for someone this holiday season.

Champion has many definitions.  One is a noun; a person who fights for or defends any person or cause.  The other is the verb tense which means action; to champion, defend or support, a cause or person.  They mean the same thing and the definition sounds the same. One is being and the other is doing.   Muhammad Ali is a champion, his title he earned is The Heavy Weight Champion of the World, watch this 4 minute video to get a perspective on what that takes. 
Muhammad Ali defended his title.  What are you willing to champion?  Everyday is a new opportunity to be a champion, yet we see so many people, individuals, organizations, and families that are not championing anything.  They have conceded to defeat on everything.    If you watched the above video you will see how the opponents came after Ali.  They were in his face, they were intent on defeating him, yet he knew that within him he was a champion and would not except anything less than to be "The Greatest" he could be.

  What we want you to take from this video is what Ali did.  Let's say that his opponents are your life.  They are swinging at your face, they are landing some punches, they are charging at you continuously and you are scared, but you do what Ali did, you fight back, you take the punches and you give more punches that are harder than the ones you receive.  You learn some fancy foot work to get past the challenges facing you.  You develop yourself to a champions level of being.  Notice we said you do.  You must take action and develop yourself personally and professionally every single day and never quit. 

Watch this last video that we use every single day as our motivation for achievement, it is very powerful.
To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard


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