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It's June and Time for a Mid-Year Check

Hello, we missed you all.  The last several months our time has been utilized wisely, yet we feel we have neglected you.  Please accept our sincere apologies.  Let's get to training.

June is the beginning of summer and the best time of the year to evaluate how you're doing.  This is the last day of June and a great time to check.

We have been so busy, the second book is complete, but there are a million more things that we want to have in place before we launch it.  We are very pleased with the final product, but there are many other avenues that we have found since the first book, "Y.O.L.O" 

We left off in April with personality training and will resume that training soon.

  How is your year going?  It's a day before the seventh month of 2014 so you should see things in your life have changed and are progressing the way you have planned. 

If you don 't see things moving in the direction that you set in your goals list from the beginning of January  2014 something's wrong with your plan.  You don't have to have massive change, but there should be considerable change that is tangible.   So let's review the goals that you have already achieved year to date.  Start with January 2014 and continue through today.  Get your note pad and list the things that you have achieved.  If you have a long list of excuses instead of achievements, you should stand in the mirror and get real with yourself and tell yourself, it's me that is keeping me from reaching the goals that I say I want. 

 Those who have a list of achievements great, keep going and re-adjust those things that you're having less success with.  Pay attention to the choices you are making daily, the summer will end soon and the holidays and all the distractions they bring will follow.  Stay focused on those things you desire to have as your life, now.  Continue to develop yourself personally, and professionally.  

"I attribute my success to this:  I never gave or took any excuse." Florence Nightingale

It takes dedication, integrity, mental toughness, endurance, diligence, and focus to have the desires of your heart.  Life will keep pushing your back against the wall, but you must keep swinging.  

You still have five more months before this year ends and 2015 greets you in the same position that you were in January 2014. 

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice:  it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

To Your Success,
D. S. Woodard


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