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The Driver

Good evening, we're glad you stopped in.  We are working on a few major projects that require endless research, focus and creativity.  The end result will push us to the next level.  We finished book II, but we want to create a different launch campaign, so it's coming soon.

Personality training is very important as you make the daily choices in your life.  Understanding your personality and that of all the others you encounter in your family, business, and personal relationships will give you an advantage.

This may seem like boring rhetoric, but if you study you and the way you interact with others you will see that it is true.  We recently did a sales training where the salesmen had taken a training the week prior to us coming.  We asked what they learned.  They said they learned about personalities.  We thought that was great, so we incorporated into our training.  The only difference was the previous trainer used different terminology for the 4 personality types.  We asked them to explain and for their training used his terminology.

The sales people did not see the relevance in the training, until we explained the importance of it in every sale and in their normal everyday life.

For those who have not read Personality Training 101  can follow the link to review it. 
The 4 personality types are The Driver, The Amiable, The Analytical, and the Expressionist.  There is no type that is better or worse, they are all different and unique in way that you will deal with people or situations based on your personality type. 

The type we will discuss in this training is the Driver. The Driver is the get it done,now person. The driver likes to get it done expeditiously. You are decisive, enthusiastic and prefer to be in control. You like quick action using the information that is readily available.

 You know what you want and are not afraid to let people know it. You normally have little to no emotion and make your decisions quickly and assertively. You speak forcefully and prefer discussing things verbally. You are straight and to the point and look for the bottom line.

You are perceived by others as arrogant. You don't like complexities and uncertainties. You have little patience for the small details that don't point to a clear outcome. You like to have a say in the outcome of what's going on. You will appear to others to be intimidating, you don't like a lot of data or analytical details. Your preference is quick and to the point.

Does this describe you or what others would say is you?  This describes a young lady we have known her whole life.  As we read this description to her she said, " that is me."  The nick name she was given as a little girl was Wednesday, as in Wednesday Addams of "The Addams family" movie.  The above is a collection of moments with Wednesday.

 You should conclude that your personality type is something you are born with, but some people will have a mix of more than one type. 

If this is not your personality type you are probably wondering how this affects you.  If you are at your place of employment, your business, in school or in a personal relationship with this personality type it will effect you in a major way.

  If you are married or dating a driver personality what his/her natural way of being since birth and is what is normal to him/her could make you think they don't have feelings for you, yet it is natural for them to have little to no emotions.  They will not express love or appreciation in the way you may expect them to. They are not mushy or Kissee and often don't want to be hugged.

If you are in sales and your client is a driver personality type, and you are not so you unknowingly go through your sales presentation showing all the statistics, all the facts, you have a power point and they are bored and uninterested. You have been tuned out after the first 5 minutes.

Two hours later when they say no, you are hurt and can't understand why they didn't buy.  The driver will buy and they will buy quickly if you get to the point and tell them the basic information briefly (think Twitter),also let them give you what they think the strong points are. They hate details.

If you happen to work for a Driver personality type, you may feel major pressure all the time.  They operate at a fast pace and have little tolerance for excuses or reasons.  They are naturally aggressive and may come across as being a bully.  They are unemotional so there is no human attachment to you or your circumstance.  It's all about the outcome.  They are often the ones who you will think are selfish, uncaring and it's all about them. 

How do you deal with this personality type?  Awareness is the first key.  Knowing the natural traits will give you a clue to who you are interacting with.  You can adjust the way you interact with them and adjust your expectations of them. 

If you are this personality type, you can understand that everyone really is different.  Everyone has a different way of approaching a situation. Everyone has a valuable place in society.  Don't try to change who you are, just recognize when you are the more aggressive in any situation and seek to find a middle ground.

To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard


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