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Never Quit on Your Dreams

Good afternoon, we trust that things are going well for you this third month of the year.  It has been a very busy time for us.  We have taken on new clients and have even had to release some clients.  This is the nature of being a freelance writing business and trainer.  We simply have to keep moving forward and trust that things will continue to get better.

This is the third month of this new year and the time keeps moving.  When you decided to become more this year than you were last year did you also decide to manage the bumps in the road that would appear from nowhere?  This last month in the D.C. metro area we have had an excessive amount of snow, and ice.  This always leads to pot holes in the road. 

 At times you are driving along the same routes you usually take and out of nowhere you come across a large pot hole in the road.  It wasn't there last week so by the time you notice it your speed is too fast to adjust and you run right over it.  You hear and feel the boom of it, and there is nothing you can do about it.  This can happen several times  in a day as you are driving your normal routes unaware of the pot holes, especially if it's night time and you can't see them.  

What can you do?  You will usually make an adjustment to your driving route.  You will remember where you hit the pot hole last time you drove that route and get in another lane.  Eventually the city or state will fix the pot hole, but until you know that it has been fixed you will make the adjustment mentally yourself,.

This is what you must do when things come up that you had not planned while on the path you set for this year's 2014 goals.  Let's say you finally were offered the new position, client or business venture that you knew you were perfect for and that position gave you the financial stability that you had been seeking for the last two years.  

 You are offered the position and then began to invest in the position and now started planning the rest of your year or life around that opportunity.  You are now three weeks in and the bottom falls out or as the analogy above states, you hit a pot hole.  You are suddenly told you are not needed due to some office politics or the position is being cut due to budgeting or the company decided to go with a competitor that under bid you.  

It is a shocker, yet if you have been developing yourself personally, through books, seminars, and working with your mentor, you are equipped to handle it.  You don't fall apart, you don't loose your cool, you see this the way it is and know that a better opportunity has made it's way to you.  You know that you have attracted a more prosperous, less stressful situation to you.  The challenge is to know this without having the manifested opportunity in that moment.

Life is to be lived strategically, and as you gain wisdom it gets better and more enjoyable. You must be like the great inventor Thomas Edison.  " I have not failed 10,000 times, I have not failed once.  I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work, I will find the way that will work."  This has to be your thinking and success is what the end result will be.

  Iterate is quality arrived by repetition.  Iteration is repeating a process with the aim of approaching the desired goal, target or result.  So you must, iterate (repeat or continue) until the desired result is accomplished   Never quit on your dreams, goals, or desires. 

To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard


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