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Your Life Gets Better

Today is a snow day.  We have about six inches outside here at  .  Its a great day to work and maintain focus everything even the Government is closed.    The wifi is working and so are we.

Now that you've created your 2014 goals, its time to focus on your plan of action to achieve them.  We have a tendency to want everything we want right now.  Technology has made this easier.  We are able to gain access to hundreds of millions of  ideas,information, people, goods and services instantly.   However, it will take some time to achieve your goals.  If you go at it with this in mind you will achieve your goals with greater ease and less stress. Give yourself a break things are going well for you.

"Your life gets better not by hope, but by plan."  Jim Rohn.  Most of the time fear of judgement will keep you from moving forward with the creation of your dreams, wants and desires.  Wanting to fit a certain model keeps many from creating anything.    Learning to stick with the plans you have created and trusting that the process will create your desires in a unique way specific to you is challenging.  

There is no one specific way to have the things you desire.  Your book may never get a publisher to answer your query, your blog or website may never get a single comment even when your analytic' s shows you that thousands of people in many different countries are viewing it and returning often.  You may never get anyone to like your Facebook page, none of that matters.  What matters is that you are doing what gives you joy.  Learn to become a joyful creator and you will begin to see the results of your efforts pay off in a totally different way than you could have imagined. 

You are in charge of your life experience.  The sooner you realize this the better your life will be.  

To your success,


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