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Second Gear

Hello we're glad you stopped in.  This is the second month of 2014,and things are moving forward as they always do.   D.S. Woodard is growing wonderfully and people's lives are changing for the best.  Businesses are growing and being created and we are happy to be a part of that.  Stay focused on the goals you have.

Have you ever listened to your car's engine as you take off from a starting position and heard it shift into first gear and then smoothly into second gear?  I listen to my car as it does this and it is almost seamless.  I have an automobile that is made for performance and I also have sold cars, so I have driven just about every make and model.  Depending on the car this shifting of gears is either seamless or a bit of a struggle.

There are several reasons that your car may struggle to get to second gear.  It could be the engine size some are 4 cylinder, but each 4 cylinder engine comes in a different size.  It could be a 1.6 liter, a 1.8 liter, a 2.0 liter, or a 2.4 liter and it could also have a turbo booster.  All of these are varying sizes of the same 4 cylinder engine.  What does that mean?  It means that the lower end 1.6 liter has less power than a 2.4 liter or any of the turbos. 

I use this analogy to make it easier to understand how you could be going through your goals list and not checking off things or wondering why you are not further along in your achievement when you know that you have been putting in the work and time only to see mediocre or small improvements in your situation.  There is always a reason.

You could be like the 1.6 liter engine going from first gear to second gear, there is a lot more effort to change gears smoothly, than if you are driving a 2.4 liter engine, and you could be currently operating at a 1.6 liter  4 cylinder mentality when what you want to be will take the 2.0 Turbo engine mentality, which is even more powerful than a 2.4 cylinder engine. . The 1.6 and the 2.0 Turbo are two completely opposite ends of performance in automobiles and this is sometimes the difference in your mentality.
  The other thing that increases the power of the engines performance is if you use premium or regular unleaded.   So are you operating on a daily basis at optimum performance levels or are you doing the minimum that is necessary and saying that you are making efforts?  Are you reading all the books you can to increase the knowledge that you have?  Are you taking classes online or purchasing D.V.D.'s, webinars or attending seminars that could give you an edge?  Have you found a mentor?

When you find that you have set goals and day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year you are not achieving any of them or things are continuing to be the same you have no one to blame, but you.  You are in charge of your daily experience.  If you are unwilling to be disciplined then you will always feel that struggle as you attempt to go from first gear to second gear.

It is the second month of the year, but before you know it we'll be singing Christmas carols and  Ole' Lang Syne as we toast 2015.  Get into second gear optimally, and you know what it takes.  You must do the work.  

We are launching  book II of the Live Out Loud Now Series this month.  We are very excited and will keep you posted.  We are also invited to interview on a visual internet radio show, we're looking to coordinate it with the book launch date. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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