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Checkers Versus Chess

Good afternoon, I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  We enjoyed our interview on the Listenvisionlive Saturday morning. is growing very fast.  More great things to come as we continue our adventure.

Life is a game of chess not checkers.  I have often said this in my writings and trainings.  Last year I decided I would learn to play chess, and I wanted to teach my son.  I played checkers as a child often, but never knew anyone who could play chess or teach me.  Fast forward to 2013, I can go online and make an attempt to learn.  I played a few months and lost every single game.  Why??  

Chess is a game of strategy, checkers is as well.  The difference is that there are only a few strategies that are necessary to win in checkers.  In chess there are an endless number of strategies.  There are 12 pieces for each player in checkers, each piece looks the same and moves the same. Chess has 6 different types of pieces 16 for each player, each piece has a specific rule on its movement around the board.

 You can occasionally win checkers being a defensive player,but you will lose more often since your opponent can force you to move to capture his piece.  Most who play checkers attempt to play defensively, the one who wins more often plays with an offensive strategy and is able to capture the most of his opponents pieces.

  Winning in chess requires deep thought, strategical planning to capitalize on the strengths of each piece and patience.  To win in chess you must put your opponent's king in a position where it cannot escape (which is checkmate), or is captured. 

This is a simplified  explanation of these two games, but I think you can get the point of each game.

How does this compare to life?  Most people live their lives defensively waiting to see what's coming and making adjustments attempting to master life with two or three of the same moves year after year with very little progress.  Occasionally  they win ,but since they did not plan the way to the win they cannot repeat what they did and soon are faced with the same challenges and failure is repetitive.

 People who live their life offensively will choose to actively pursue change, create a strategy, have a vision for the ideals they want to live, look to create solutions to problems with successful methods to achieve their goals and objectives by analyzing whats working and why and what is not working and why to create a plan of action for their life everyday.

 You may not have anyone in your life to teach you to be strategic or to play the game of life offensively, but it is a choice that you now know is necessary to have the most success,joy, and abundance, so seek to become an offensive life player. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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