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Are You Progressing Forward?

This is the last week of the second month of 2014, how are things looking for you?  We at  have made great strides and have experienced a few lows, but we've made some adjustments.

Learn to be aware of your point of attraction.  What have you been experiencing since this new year began?  Take notice of the things that are moving you forward towards your goals.  Notice whats keeping you stuck or not allowing you to grow.

Learn to be swift to change your plan of action if what you are doing is not working.  This is your life experience and if you fear moving forward you have to do more personal development.  This is the key to positive change and growth.

We started our current plan of action December 2013, by February 2014 we had to change the plan.  It just doesn't take that long to see where you are and where you want to be and the difference between the two places.

Make sure you are giving your all, but also know your value.  If the job you have chosen or the business alliances you are working with are unproductive, low paying or have a low payoff, it is alright to walk away.  Plan your exit.  It doesn't take months or years to leave.  It takes courage to tell yourself that you are valuable and you should be compensated for the value that you bring.  If you are doing the daily work of personal development this will be easy.

Keep your goals list in front of you.  You should be checking things off you should be advancing and you should be earning more, if not reaccess your plan.  March begins the end of the first quarter of 2014, are you doing great or is a change necessary?

Don't wait act today.  Remember our last post, we are now strategically moving through our life experience always on purpose, and things are not just happening by chance, we are great life (chess) players.

To your success,


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