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Take the Risks

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Good afternoon, I am so happy today. I have had so much clarity and focus this week. Wonderful flow of energy and creativity. I have made great connections that are moving me in the direction of my goals.

Today is Saturday, but if you have followed us for any amount of time you know that your dream does not work Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you want the best this life has to offer you sometimes you will have to take risk, and fight for it.

I have always been a risk taker. Most people do not like change, not even a little so they will never take risks. Look at the government and the healthcare issue. There are millions of Americans who go to work everyday and usually work more than 40 hours per week. These same people live from paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford their most basic needs. Those who oppose it have no idea because it's not their circumstance. Those who have need of this option are grateful and thankful. The president dared to take a risk. He actually wrote a book about that subject, "The Audacity of Hope." Audacity means extraordinary boldness, courage or chutzpah. Simply put it is fearless daring or taking risk.

What is it about your dream or goal that keeps you from moving forward?
What is it that keeps you from achieving greatly? It is usually the fear of taking risks that holds you back from your greatness. Everyone is great and has something to add to our society. We were working on some of the upgrades to the new coming members training site and find that it is a huge undertaking. It is not the 1,2,3 go that we are used to; however this is growth and we must take the risks to create the vision even if it does not turn out perfectly.

Are you keeping track of your achievements for the year 2013? There are a few more days and we will be coming into the next to the last month of 2013. You should have at least one thing that you have accomplished at this point from the list you created in January. We say it all the time, don't discount your success, big or small every success is to be celebrated. If you haven't looked back at where you were in January to where you are now today October 26,2013 do it today. Make yourself smile as you realize the risks you have taken to reach your dreams and the desired lifestyle you said you want. Give yourself a pat on the back and know that it takes courage, focus, and action to achieve anything of significance.

Remember that everything happens because of your thoughts and the way they make you feel which controls the things you will or will not do. Learn to implement daily personal development rituals. Make sure that you focus on positive things that make you happy and joyous. Learn to focus on your dreams and desires daily, and make sure that you feel the way you will feel when they are actual manifestations in your life. Turn off the television more often. You can't create your vision when you are entranced by the vision of others. Living your dream is learning to be in the moment, now. Do something today that will help you achieve your goals.

To Your Success,
DS Woodard


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